11. Turn of Events

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Akira woke up on the chair outside her balcony with a blanket draped over her small body. She glanced over to the table with no wine glasses and saw a note.

I'm sorry I couldn't stay until you woke up, morning practice. I had fun last night and I hope to see you soon. -Wakatoshi

His handwriting was neat and sloppy at the same time. Akira thought it was cute. She grabbed the blanket and walked into her apartment to see Kenma was up in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Good morning Kenma, where's Tetsu?" Akira folded up the blanket and placed it on the back of the couch.

"Last time I checked, he was still asleep in your room." Akira groaned, walking to her room to see her half-naked brother.

"Jeez, Tetsu, put some damn clothes on!" He still had his shorts on and he groaned when she kicked him in the foot.

"5 more minutes," he mumbled.

"No, get up and go to the bathroom! You are not throwing up in my bedroom!" Akira helped her brother get out of bed and drag him into the bathroom. The bathroom was connected to her bedroom and the open living room. She helped him sit on the floor and lifted the toilet lid up, watching her brother lightly pant.

"Goodness, I'll be right back." Akira walked into the kitchen to get her brother the essentials. She remembered the first time she woke up from a hangover and her brother took care of her until she stopped throwing up. 

His sister grabbed a bottle of water, a towelette from the closet, and a blanket before going into the bathroom. She draped the blanket over him, set the glass of water on the ground next to him, and wet the towelette. Before she could react, her brother starting herling into her toilet.

"You and Bokuto need to stop having dick-measuring contests, especially in my apartment!" She draped the damp towelette over her brother's neck and lightly rubbed his back. "There are an extra toothbrush and aspirin in the cabinet, take your time." She closed the door to her bathroom, not being able to bear the smell.

"I still don't know how you two are related." Kenma placed a plate full of food in front of her and she rejoiced.

"Me neither, but he'll be okay, you should know that." Kuroo and Kenma lived together, meaning Kenma would get the short end of the stick and have to attend to her brother when he was hungover. She could only imagine how Akaashi was handling Bokuto right now.

Just as she was about to talk again, her phone rang from the living room. It was her boss.

"Hello, Kuroo speaking." She answered.

"Kuroo! I need you to serve tonight. There's a bachelor's party and Sara just called in sick. I need you on the floor tonight."

"Sir, I'm supposed to be bartending-"

"I have that covered," He interrupted her "please Kuroo, I need you tonight."

"Alright, I'll be there at 4."

"Great! I'll try to get you out by 1, I don't have a new uniform in your size, so wear the old one." He hung up and she groaned. Her boss was such an ass sometimes. She put her phone down on the couch and headed back over to her breakfast.

"I don't know why you still work there, Akira." Kenma stood at the counter and ate his breakfast with her.

"I have to pay the bills somehow. He isn't the greatest boss, but the pay is too good to pass up."

"You really want to wear that waitressing uniform again?" Kenma thought back to the time when her friends came to visit her at work. Lev, Kenma, Bokuto, and Tsukishima were there with her brother seated in her section. 

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