26. No More Omelets

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Ushijima was the first to wake up, opening his tired eyes to see his girlfriend fast asleep in his arms. Her naked body was hidden under the sheets, making him smile at the previous night. He could feel her legs shaking hours after they finished and it did freak him out a bit.

Akira always told him it never hurt, but it was the aftermath of sex for her.

He quietly crawled out of bed, checking his phone for the time to see the sun just finished rising. Since he only had afternoon practice today, he decided to stay and make breakfast for the two of them. Akira gave him free range to anything in her apartment, making it like his second home.

He put on a clean pair fo boxers and grey sweatpants he stored in her dresser. Since he spent the night so much, she let him have half of one of her drawers to store extra clothes.

Quietly walking out of the bedroom, he shut the door to the bedroom and walked to the bathroom, brushing his teeth and cleaning the tiredness from his face. The couple stared up pretty late last night since Ushijima had told her he had his morning free.

After finishing, he walked back into the kitchen and began to search her cabinets for something to make. He remembered the first time he made her breakfast months ago and decided to make her an omelet. 

When breakfast was almost finished, Akira woke up to the smell of food from outside her bedroom door. She noticed the bed was empty, meaning it must have been her boyfriend cooking in the kitchen. 

She climbed out of bed, putting on the t-shirt she found in her drawer and a pair of clean underwear. The shirt was definitely Ushijima's from how big it was, making her lightly giggle. Akira walked into the bathroom to clean herself up before seeing her boyfriend.

She didn't take long, her stomach aching too much. Probably just super hungry. Akira stepped out of the bathroom and walked over to her boyfriend, admiring the perfect scene in from of her. Her mother made it sound like she'd be a house wife in the future, but Ushijima cooking was a thousand times better than that.

"Good morning, babe." She said, putting her hands on his shoulders form behind and resting her head on his back. He turned around, pulling her into him by her waist and kissing the top of her head.

"I'm glad to see you're walking okay this morning." He said, making her lightly laugh.

"Of course you are." She leaned up and kissed his cheek before walking over to the other side of the kitchen island and sitting down on one fo the stools.

"I hope you don't mind omelets for breakfast." Ushijima said, using the spatula to put her omelet on a glass plate.

"I never mind when you make me food." She said, smiling at his back and watching him turn to present her food on the plate in front of her.

He didn't cook to look fancy, so she never judged by appearances. His food might not be the prettiest, but it was definitely tasty.

She took one of the forks he placed on the counter and cut a small piece off from the side, bringing it up to her mouth. Ushijima brought his plate in front of the chair beside her, turning off the stove and sitting beside her.

As soon as the food was about to pass her lips, her stomach did a complete 180. The smell of eggs didn't smell as good and it upset her stomach. She dropped her fork on the plate abruptly and ran into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.

Ushijima watched in confusion, until he heard the sound of her throwing up from the bathroom. He quickly stood up and jogged to the door, turning the knob and feeling it's restricted turn radius.

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