16. The Luau

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"Okay, Suga. This one or this one." Akira held up the last two dress options to her body, showing her stylish friend who was sitting on her bed. Ushijima was sitting on his bed scrolling through his phone.

"Hmm, I think the blue one is nice." Suga was laying on his stomach watching her pull random things from her closet. He had been sitting on her bed for 20 minutes while she sifted through her luggage. She wanted her boyfriend to keep his eyes on her all night, even though he was sitting in the room listening to them discuss what to wear.

"Jeez you sound like my boyfriend." She mumbled, Ushijima looked up from his phone to see why he was put in the conversation.

"Sunshine, just wear the blue one. I have to get ready and you've kept me in here forever." She threw the dress he picked at him before turning to look at Ushijima with her arms folded.

"Wear the red one." He said before looking back to his phone. He didn't really care what she wore, he thought she looked divine in anything.

"Don't you think the red is a bit, revealing?" Ushijima set his phone down on the nightstand and walked over to his girlfriend. He put his arms around her waist and pulled her into him.

"Red is my favorite color." He smirked at her before kissing his head and walking into their closet to find something to wear as well. Akira was left starstruck.

"A man of few words I see," Suga stands up from the bed before heading to the door. "That dress brings out your curves, give him something to think about." Suga winked before leaving and heading to his room to get ready. 

Ushijima had a short sleeve Hawaiian shirt with a pair of khakis. He laid them on his bed before taking off his shirt. Akira scurried to grab everything she needed and headed into the bathroom.

The dress Ushijima picked out for her was red with white floral designs. The sleeves were small straps and the bottom of the dress was ruffled up, showing off her legs. It had a low v-shaped neckline that showed off her cleavage. 

Akira made sure to so light makeup, Suga said boyfriends like it more when they wear less makeup and he could tell Ushijima was more of a natural guy. She brushed out her hair, letting it fall down her back and walked into the bedroom. Ushijima was sitting on the edge of his bed, looking up to see his girlfriend walk to the closet and grab a pair of sandals.

"Do I look okay?" She puts on her shoes and walks over to Ushijima. He picked out a shirt that matched the dress he picked, making her blush. He stood up and walked over to her with a light smile.

"You look stunning." He planted a deep kiss on her lips before holding her hand and guiding her downstairs. Ever since she became his girlfriend, he grew a lot of confidence toward her. He knew people dated because they truly liked each other, so Ushijima didn't have to hold himself back at showing her his affection.

"Oi, the luau starts in about 30 minutes so we can walk down now." Kuroo was on his phone checking the time. Everyone was dressed in Hawaiian shirts, even Kenma was starting to enjoy himself a bit. 

Suga and Daichi walked in front, pointing out new attractions for them to go see. Daichi was very masculine, but he loved linking his arm with his boyfriend when they were in public. 

Behind them walked Ushijima and Akira. She was holding onto his arm pointing at the different local stores they should visit. The sun was setting in about an hour, giving them light to see their path. 

Kuroo stood behind them and watched Ushijima like a hawk while trying to guide Kenma, who was on his phone, from walking into the street.

When they arrived at the luau, they were stunned. They had never been to one and didn't know what to expect. There were a few large tables filled with guests wearing beautiful leis of all different colors and glasses of colorful drinks in their hands.

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