25. Birthday Boy

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*Insert Spongebob Title Card*

A few weeks later... lol


"How much longer until he's home?" Akira asked Tendou from his roommate's bedroom.

"2 more minutes!" He said from the kitchen.

Akira adjusted the bunny ears on top of her head and dusted off her tights. The bunny costume was a bit small on her, she hadn't worn it in 3 years. The top was a bit too small, squeezing her breast up to make them appear bigger. The small cotton tail on top her butt was just as fluffy as the day she bought it.

She wanted to surprise Ushijima for his birthday. He'd been staying later at practices, not seeing Akira much again. Tonight, she wanted to have her ways with him. Akira had on a pair of black heels, tights, a black onesie, a white collar and a pair of black bunny ears. Ushijima joked about wanting to see her in this costume, today would be his lucky day.

Akira heard a few knocks on the door, signaling Ushijima was almost home. She scurried into his bathroom and shut the door, waiting for her boyfriend to come into his bedroom.

"Welcome home, birthday boy!" Tendou said, opening the front door with a big smile on his face.

"Thank you, Tendou." Ushijima's tone seemed a little bit off today, he wondered why.

"So, what are your plans tonight? Gonna see our neighbor tonight." Tendou spoke a little louder, letting Akira hear their conversation but without making it too obvious.

"Well, first I have to call my mother back, but yes. I hoped we'd spend the rest of the day together." Ushijima walked towards his bedroom and Tendou happily smiled for his neighbor.

"Use protection!" Tendou said before Ushijima walked into his room and threw his practice bag next to his bed. He pulled his phone from his pocket and quickly dialed his mother. Akira thought she'd intrude by barging into the room, but it was probably worse to listen.

"Hey mom." Ushijima put his phone on speaker and set it on his dresser as he got undressed. Akira could here his mom talking through the other side.

"Happy birthday my boy! How's life in Tokyo? I hope your team isn't giving you a hard time." His mother sounded sweet when she spoke to him.

"They are just fine. Mother may I ask your something?" He asked and heard a small 'mhm' from the other side.

"Usually on my birthday you send a card or a text, but you don't call me. Why is that?" After he asked, Akira grew nervous at the silence in the conversation.

"Well, I know you don't like when I bring it up, but it's time." Akira sat on the toilet of the bathroom quietly, listening to the conversation.

He stayed silent, quickly getting undressed as his mother sighed through the phone, starting to talk again.

"You're 24, I told you at 25-"

"I met someone." He cut her off. He never interrupted her, but he really didn't want to hear her talk about what she was going to.

"Toshi, are you being serious with me right now?"

"I am. I met someone and I'm happy with her. You made a deal with me years ago that if I met someone-"

"-I'd break off the contract, I know son. I just, didn't think you'd find someone already." His mom finished his sentence, lightly sighing to no one in particular.

"I know the things that went down between you and dad, but she's so different, ma. How about dinner tonight and you can meet her?"

"You've never brought a girl for me to meet, she must really mean this much to you?"

The New Neighbor (USHIJIMA X OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora