24. Her First Game

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Akira had recovered from her illness. Ushijima would visit her until she finally told him she was feeling much better and he didn't have to keep rushing home to see her. Even though she secretly liked it. 

He was such a stoic guy, but she loved when he babied her.

Weeks had gone by since then and their relationship truly developed. Ushijima decided to not tell her about the whole "I love you" thing until the time came, and he wasn't sure when that would be.

Today, Akira was going to surprise Ushijima at his game since it was his first one after their vacation. The Alders were playing at their home gym, meaning she could drive to it herself. Before she left, she asked Tendo if she could grab one of his volleyball shirts to wear for moral support. He never told her, but he always liked when she wore his clothes.

The shirt Akira had dug up from his nicely folded drawers was a simple one. It was a tight practice shirt he didn't wear often because of how small it fit on him. The sleeves were big on her from him stretching them around his big arms. It was still hot outside, so she matched it with a pair of shorts and sneakers she wore when she left the house. 

The front of the shirt said 'Schweiden' at the top with a big 11 under it. The back had Ushijima's name and number printed on it, making her smile. Akira could smell his cologne on the shirt, making her lightly hug herself, engulfing his scent that she loved so much.

She walked out of Ushijima's room and Tendou gave her a thumbs up before they headed out of the apartment building and into her car. He had offered to drive, but Akira took charge and decided to drive. She did steal his roommates shirt anyway.

"So, is this the first game of his you're going to?" Tendou asked, leaning his elbow on the center console.

"Yes actually. This is going to be a great game, I can feel it." She gripped the wheel in an anticipating way and smiled.

"He's going to be so happy to see you in the crowd. I sit next to his fan girls and they are quite annoying." Tendou said, rolling his eyes.

"Fan girls?" She scolded at the word, thinking back to how Oikawa's fan girls treated her.

"Yeah, they always go up to him and ask him for an autograph after every game. Of course, he's clueless as to what they're doing but he loves his fans." Akira nodded her head at that. Ushijima had told her about a small boy that came up to him at one of his first division games. He was a lefty as well and dreamed of being like the wing spiker one day.

"I know he does, but I'm his biggest fan girl. I'll show those bitches today too." Akira said and Tendou lightly chuckled at her.

"Well, if they talk to your man the way they do, give them hell."

The two arrived at the stadium, struggling to find a parking spot. Akira finally found one, on the opposite side of the parking lot. She didn't mind the walk.

Tendo helped direct her through the people in the lobby to one of the merchandise booths. Akira smiled at the thought of buying something of his. She noticed small posters, about the size of a piece of paper, with each Schweiden player on them and smiled when she saw Ushijima's. He didn't even attempt to smile, he had his stoic face holding a volleyball with one hand.

"Excuse me," Akira approached the booth to the middle aged man "can I have an Ushijima poster, please?" Akira pulled out her wallet as the man nodded at her.

"Fan girl?" He said nicely and she laughed.

"Something like that." She paid for the poster and saw Tendou gesturing for her to me to him since he found their seats.

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