15. Vacation

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"Chibi, this is so exciting!" Kuroo was practically swinging his sister around the airport. For a graduation present for Akira, Kuroo decided to go all out and take her to her dream vacation. He wanted to take Akaashi too, but his parents were taking him to Italy. 

Currently, the group consisted of the Kuroo's, Kenma, Sugawara, Daichi, and Ushijima. The trip was pretty last minute, leaving only the 6 of them being able to books flights and split the price of the house they were staying in. Ushijima got lucky enough to have the trip during his resting break, meaning he wouldn't miss any practice or any games.

"Tetsu put me down." He put his sister down in front of Ushijima and he snaked an arm around her waist to keep her close to him.

The group began to go through baggage check, security, and find somewhere to eat before their plane took off. Out of everyone, Akira definitely brought the most stuff, not knowing how to dress in a tropical region. 

Kuroo knew how badly she wanted to go to Hawaii, so, that's where they were going. As a graduation present, the brother paid for his sister's flight even though she tried to use her own money to pay.

"Okay, we are at gate B5 over there." Daichi pointed towards where they were going. "We have 15 minutes until our flight leaves, so we can go find something to eat before we leave." Everyone dropped their carry-ons at the gate and Akira sat down to watch their things. 

Ushijima went off to find something for them to eat with the group. He stumbled across a small cafe that he knew she'd want something from. When he headed back to her, she picked her head up from her phone and smiled big at Ushijima. He got her an iced coffee, a bag of her favorite Japanese candy, and a small strawberry cake pop.

"Thank you, Wakatoshi." She kissed his cheek before accepting the food. He sat down next to her and pulled out his phone to see Tendou texting him.

Let me know when your flight leave :D

Tell Akira I said hiiiiii!!!!

I left you something in your bag, you're welcome ;)

Ushijima read the text in confusion before opening his backpack to see when Tendou magically put in there. 


He made sure not to pull the box out and let Akira see, she might get the wrong idea. Tendou and Sugawara must be planning something because when the group came back over, Suga winked at him when Ushijima closed up his backpack.

Our flight takes off in 5 minutes. These were very unnecessary.

Ushijima hit send and a few seconds later he got another text.

Trust me, you'll thank me later ;)

With that, Ushijima tucked his phone away and sparked up a conversation with his girlfriend.

"Tendou said hello." Akira looked up from her eaten cake pop and smiled at him. She had her eyes closed, not seeing Ushijima take a picture of her and quietly laugh to himself. When she opened her eyes, she peeked over at his phone to see him laughing at an embarrassing photo of her.

"Hey! Delete that!" Ushijima pushed the phone in his pocket so she couldn't take it from him "You're evil." Akira said pretending to have her feelings hurt.

"I'm not the one with a face full of pink icing." He handed her a tissue and she quickly took it and wiped her face. He gave her a thumbs-up, letting her know the icing was gone. 

Soon, their gate opened and the attendant called for them to board their plane. Akira grabbed her carry on suit case and grabbed her boyfriend's wrist, attempting to drag him to the gate. Of course, she didn't get him to move an inch.

The New Neighbor (USHIJIMA X OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora