29. Baby Ushijima

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Akira finished her last report of the day, happily closing the laptop and slowly standing up from the couch. Ushijima had a long morning practice, meaning he'd be home much later than usual. They had a huge tournament up in a handful of months and it was important to practice as much as possible.

Being on maternity leave, Akira suggested letting her continue her work documents for advertisements at home so she wasn't backed up when coming back to work in a few months. Kuroo always made sure to come over after work every other day to make sure she was alright and catch her up on company decisions.

Her due date was in just 2 weeks and neither parent could be more excited for the baby to come. The nursery was finally finished. Akira had told Kuroo about not having enough time or hands and he insisted on bringing the boys with him so she wasn't moving around and climbing up ladders.

With the help of Akaashi, Bokuto, Lev, and her brother, the nursery turned out beautifully. The white walls were filled with pink decorations that would be perfect for a baby girl. When Akira cried tears of joy in Ushijima's arms, Kuroo know she was happy with the way it turned out and so was Ushijima.

Akira wobbled to the kitchen, her big stomach looking off on her small body. Ushijima prevented her from eating things he read up were bad for pregnancies. He monitored what she ate, what she'd do throughout the day, how she was feeling.

He was secretly becoming an at home doctor for her.

She opened the fridge looking for a bottle of water since her 'doctor' a.k.a. Ushijima told her she wasn't drinking enough to hydrate her and the baby. She appreciated everything he was doing even if it did bother her some bit. He wanted the best for their baby.

Akira opened the bottle of water and took a small sip, enjoying that she had the rest of the day to lay down. Her back was killing her and she felt so restless. Getting up every hour having to go to the bathroom or when the baby was kicking, it was a bothersome at night.

She held onto the kitchen island to keep herself balanced, trying to take some of the weight off of her poor feet. Ushijima had a strange habit of carrying her around the apartment when he was home to prevent her from hurting her feet and prevent her from falling.

A sudden sharp pain went through her side, making her grip onto the side of the counter tighter. She set the water bottle on the counter and put a hand on her large stomach, wishing the pain would go away.

It didn't.

The pain felt like it was running through her whole body, causing her to loudly groan in pain. Her legs felt uncomfortably warm, making her trail her eyes down to see what was going on. A small puddle formed below her, liquid flowing out of her soaked shorts.

"Shit shit shit!" She cursed to herself, crying out at the pain in her stomach. She still had two weeks left until their initial due date, but she knew the baby was coming sooner than later.

Akira had prepared herself for this, trying to stay as calm as possible. She quickly went into the bathroom and dried her lower half with a towel as best she could, her stomach blocking her from bending over.

She left the bathroom to find a jacket to put over her body. A familiar black sweatshirt came into view on top of the cleanly folded laundry and she quickly put it on over her arms, leaving it unzipped in the front. Ushijima's scent still lingered and it helped calm her down a bit.

She shakily grabbed her phone and her keys, dialing Ushijima's number. Akira slipped on her slippers by the door, waiting for Ushijima to pick up the phone. But, it kept ringing until it reached voicemail.

There were four missed calls on his phone and Akira groaned in pain as she quickly stumbled out of the apartment. She knew she couldn't sit and wait for Ushijima to get home, the pain was unbearable.

The New Neighbor (USHIJIMA X OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora