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𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟞
~ the date ~

⋘ ──── 𝔫𝔞𝔱𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔞 ──── ⋙

This is it. Standing in the middle of a busy street wearing a dress wasn't something I thought I would be doing these holidays but who would've known am I right? I fidgeted around in my comfortable flats as I looked around for my date.

My hair was curled softly, light make up on my face, mascara and lip gloss. Marge said my lips had to look irresistible. My blue dress complimented the black flats I was wearing, my hair making me look more formal than I thought.

Huh. My date. Words I never thought I would ever say. I'm scared. Very scared. There's literally sweat dripping down my back and between my breasts. It's uncomfortable. Merlin what should I do?

"Hey." A deep voice said from behind me, making me turn ungracefully. There in all his glory, Tom Marvolo Riddle standing in a rather charming outfit. He was wearing jeans, a belt and a white blouse under a sweater vest. I wonder if all boys clean up as nicely as him. "Pardon me for being late, I had to pick up something." He flashed me a dashing smile while stuffing something into the pocket of his jeans.

I blushed under his princely gaze and tucked my fringe behind my ear. "It's fine, I haven't been waiting long."

Bashfully, I grabbed onto the arm he held out to me and followed him to wherever. Dear Godric it's never been this awkward before. Maybe it was because of the occasion. We've never been on a date before either. "Ehem, so where are we going?" I cleared my throat before looking up at him.

"Well," He smiled down at me. "There was this diner right outside the Leaky Cauldron I found when I was younger. I just thought I would share the place with you."

I giggled, mind blank unsure of what to do. I swear on Peter's throne this is the worst conversation I've ever had in my life. In dad's life. In Marge's life. What do people even do on bloody dates?

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

Upon entering the diner, I was engulfed with an amazing scent. It was, indescribable. Tom noticed me stopping at the entrance of the diner, sniffing the air with a look of glee on my face. He laughed haughtily at my reaction. "That, my darling Natalia, is the smell of greasy burgers salty fries."

I felt my cheeks heat up at his words. My Darling Natalia. He called me his?

As he pulled me to an empty table, I was broken away from my thoughts. "Everything smells so good, I wonder what I should get." I hummed happily as I browsed the menu.

"I'm getting the cheeseburger and chocolate milkshake." Tom stated, happy with his decision. Nodding in approval, I agreed on the same thing when something else caught my eye. Cheese.. fries? What are fries even? If I ask for this wouldn't I seem like a pig? I would be eating more than him right?

Maybe I shouldn't... Okay I won't. Satisfied with my choice, I passed a waitress my menu as Tom ordered for the two of us. Gosh he looks so hot ordering stuff. Woah. Where did that thought come from?

I shook my head in confusion, causing Tom to look at me weird. Great. First date and he already thinks that I'm a freak. "Um, I should go freshen up. Where is the restroom located?" I asked politely, mentally cursing myself for my stupidity.

Shooting me another charming smile, he pointed to the back of the diner where there was a door with a lady and man sign. That must be where the restroom is. Smiling back at Tom, I stood from the stool and walked away from the table of shame.

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