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𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜
~ the hidden truths ~

⋘ ──── 𝔫𝔞𝔱𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔞 ──── ⋙

Dinner was served. I deeply inhaled the smell of the fresh homecooked food. It's been so long. Meals at Hogwarts could never compare to the Longbottom's secret recipes. Unlike most households, Dad was the chef. Mom didn't have a clue about what to do in a kitchen. Even if she wanted to boil some water, a fire would break out. It's a miracle that we didn't cause a forest fire by accident.

Dad came out of the kitchen, a tray of chicken in his oven-mitted hands and an apron that said 'world's best mom'. It was a Father's Day present from him. Mom thought that it would be a nice joke. Like how Dad brought home a cat for Mother's Day even though Mom had a deathly fear of cats. It was just how their relationship works. I could only dream to form a bond with someone like the one they have.

"Dig in!" Dad cheered, pulling off a chicken leg to put on my plate. "It's been so long since I made a proper meal like this!"

I laughed at him. "You really should have proper meals everyday and take care of your health. Nana would say that you've become so scrawny and stuff you with meat and rice until you overeat."

Scooping up some peas and rice, I pondered upon asking him about Mom.

"So, um." I cleared my throat, staring at my plate to avoid eye contact. "Do you believe in Nymphs?"

I heard him choke on a glass of wine at my question and looked up at him to see his reaction. "Well, considering the fact that fairies and centaurs are real, I'm sure they exist somewhere."

"Well, what about moving trees?"

He let out a nervous laughter. "Trees are inanimate objects darling. How did you come up with that?"

I sighed, taking a bite of the chicken. "I had a dream..." I started, analyzing his reaction. He waited for me to continue, putting down his fork and spoon to listen. "I went to this place..."


"Narnia." I stated, sipping on my grape juice. "But it's all just a dream, I guess. Nothing much happened."

It was silent, so I continued.

"I fought in a war."

"Then?" He whispered so quietly, I could barely hear it.

"I almost died."

"But all is well, it was just a dream after all!" I beamed up at him, my expression changing completely from one of sadness to one of glee. "There's no such thing as Narnia, or Aslan, or mysterious aunts named Layla who has it out for Mother. And Mother is not the queen of the Nymphs or anything."

My laughter died down when I noticed the troubled look on his face. "Dad? What's wrong?"

"When did you have this dream?"

I gulped in confusion. "A few weeks ago, after winning the quidditch cup."


Dad shot me a weak smile and continued eating. "It's nothing baby. What a wild imagination you have."

I slowly followed in suit of his actions as the table was engulfed in an awkward silence.

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

I lay on my bed, staring at the decorative stars on my ceiling. I was lost in thought. Dad's reaction earlier sure was weird. He wouldn't think it was true right? There's no way that I was magically transported into another realm. Right?

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