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𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚
~ the one with the other dimension ~

Quick note: I'm so sorry if i messed something up, please leave some comments or something on areas I can improve on. :-)

──── 𝔫𝔞𝔱𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔞 ────

Looking into the mirror, I didn't expect to see a bunch of centaurs, minotaurs, fawns, and even woodland animals, walking around an open field hidden by trees, carrying objects like firewood and swords. What was this place? Why is this mirror showing me this?

I didn't notice that the light from my wand had diminished as I stared into the mirror. The bright light from the mirror still shone through. This was no ordinary mirror. Is it a portal? I've hear of objects being used as portkeys, but I've never seen this kind of portkey before.

I didn't realise that I was inching nearer to the mirror as I witnessed the occurring events. A man appear among the field of creatures. He had shoulder length black hair and a scared yet strong look on his face as he talked to the other creatures, seemingly pleading them for something.

Narnians. A voice spoke up in my head. It was deep but gentle. A voice filled with wisdom and authority. I've never heard it before but the sound of his voice made me feel safe. It felt like someone I could trust. The amount of wisdom in his voice greater than that of Dumbledore's. Subconsciously, I slid my wand back into my sock.

My face ended up being an inch away from the surface of the mirror when i tripped on something i front of me which sent me crashing through it. I clenched my eyes shut, bracing the impact of the hard floor littered with shards of glass only to end up stomach down in mud with my arms shielding my eyes. The only thing sharp was the blades of grass grazing my bare skin.

That certainly didn't feel like a portkey. Portkeys don't do this. I had to be purposefully touching a portkey to be transported but this was totally accidental. Who the hell built this mirror.

Slowly, I lifted my head from my arms and opened my eyes only to be greeted with the sharp end of a sword in front of my face. Out of instinct, I reached down to my sock to grab my wand. Don't. They're not to know of your magic. The same voice from before spoke again.

I looked around and saw everyone on their guard with their weapons out, pointing them towards me. I let out a yelp and raised my hands up in surrender. "Please don't kill me." I whimpered, falling back onto my arse i looked up at the human guy who was holding the sword to my face.

His gaze softened for a split second at the sight of another human before glaring at me again. "Where did you come from?" He asked, almost commandingly.

"I.. I don't-" Before I could finish my sentence, a girlish squeal rang through the air. "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?" Everybody whipped their head towards a tree to the right side of me. A dryad appeared looking shocked but happy. "Alessandra is that you?" She asked looking with a wide range of emotions dancing in her eyes. Shock, surprise, happiness.

Her question got everybody's guard thrown off. She ran towards me and engulfed me in a hug. My eyes widened. "I'm not Alessandra." I stated, my voice small.  How the hell does she know my mother?

 The dryad released me from her death grip. "My name is Natalia." I quickly explained, not wanting anyone to attack me. "I.. I'm her daughter."

 Whispers broke out among the others. The only person looking as confused as me was the man. He was probably muggle, but he seemed to be aware of the existence of these mythical creatures from what I saw in the mirror. Maybe he's a squib.

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