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𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙
~ the one with the quidditch match ~

──── 𝔫𝔞𝔱𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔞 ────

The day drawled by longer than any other. The anxiety of waiting was too much. Today determines it all. Everyone looked forward to this day. I can't disappoint them. As more lessons passed, I was unable to get the fear out of my head. I started biting my nails again. A habit I picked up whenever I became nervous.

Lunch finally came after a million years. I stared at the plate of food in front of me, not finding to appetite to consume anything. I felt a large warm hand on my shoulder. I turned my head to find Nelly, short for Lionell, look down at me.

He's one of the chasers on the quidditch team, and he's also like a brother to me. He was there for me when I first joined the team, cheering up whenever I'm down and looking after me throughout my first few years in Hogwarts.

It was only my fourth year here and somehow, I made team captain instead of him although he was one of the oldest in the team. Nonetheless, he didn't hate on me or held a grudge. It's one of the reasons why I love him.

"What's wrong sugar?" He asked, taking a seat next to me. "Nothing." I grumbled, poking at my food with my fork.

"Come on, you can't lie to me." he teased, grabbing a grape from my plate. "Stop eating my food you fat-ass." I whined. "I'm just nervous about the game."

When I saw Nelly about to come up with a witty comment on how I'm a good player and all, I interrupted him. "Before you say anything, we're playing with the Slytherins later! They've been playing dirty since the birth of Salazar Slytherin! You saw how they pummeled the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws! What makes u think they won't do the same to us? We're going to lose! And its gonna be all my- mphh"

I glared at Nelly who had stuffed a few biscuits in my mouth. "Alright ranting raven, enough of your chatter! We're going to win this because of you! Besides, that Greengrass guy has always had a soft spot for you." He paused, leaning closer to my ear. " I think he has a little crush on you." He whispered.

I forgot about the biscuits in my mouth and shot up from my seat, ready to scream and deny, only to begin choking on the food in my mouth. If my mother saw me right now, she would be screaming at me to act more ladylike.

Draining the clogged food in my throat with some tea, I heard laughter coming from behind me. I turned to find Margerie, Andrea and Julius laughing their arses off. "Slow down you hog, Hogwarts is not running out of biscuits." Andrea chuckled, her soft voice ringing out from the laughter surrounding her.

I glared at Nelly who was trying to hide his chuckles. "This is all his fault!" I fumed, pointing to Nelly who had his hands raised in the form of surrender. The four of us took a seat at the table. "Calm down jellybean." Margerie chimed. "What did Lionell do this time?" Julius asked.

Clearing my throat, I leant across to table. "He said Greengrass wants to court me!" I whispered harshly at them. "There's no way Greengrass would like someone like you!" Chris chimed into the conversation loudly causing several heads to turn to us. "SHUSH IT!" I screeched, throwing a grape at him as he squeezed between Andrea and Margerie opposite me as Kingston sat at the empty seat beside me.

Lunch went by the in a blink of an eye. all our lighthearted chatter taking my mind off the biggest match of the year.

After lunch came potions. I headed to the dungeons where the potions classrooms were. We always had potions with Slytherins and although Professor Slughorn was the head of Slytherin, he wasn't biased towards anybody, other than those he deemed super talented and are destined for great things of course.

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