Blanket Burrito couple

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I- idk this kawaii fluff is kawaii. That's it. That's the A/n.

"Aww look at them..."Leorio said as he gazed upon his friends, Y/n and Kurapika. They were curled up on the couch next to each other in a roly-poly fashion. They were on a long train ride to Yayiane for a mission. They were passing through the city of Amour, which was at its coldest right now.

Leorio took it upon himself to take care of the sleeping couple, so he decided to wrap them up in blanket burritos. He got out a few blankets from the train cabin's mini closet and also a few pillows.

"That should be enough supplies..."Leorio silently said to himself, trying not to wake up Y/n or Kurapika. He then proceeded to spread out a blanket on the other couch to serve as the 'tortilla'. He picked up    Y/n and placed her in the center of the blanket and wrapped her up.

"There...all cozy"Leorio whispered as he prepared the second blanket for Kurapika. Leorio picked the blonde up and placed him on the blanket,and wrapped him up aswell.

"Hm,they sure are cozy in their blanket burritos...they sorta look like babies..."taking advantage of the current state of Y/n and Kurapika, Leorio picked them up in both of his arms. He was somehow able to hold around 200 pounds worth of humans in blankets. Leorio sat down and placed the burritos on either side of him while patting their heads.

"That's 2 love burritos sleep peacefully...I-I hope I'm not disturbing you..." Leorio was being lulled to sleep by the power of the human blanket burritos. Actually overwhelmed, he was completely out after the 1st few seconds of just sitting between the burritos.


Short but sweet? Idk I'm tired its like 12 am as I finished writing this. And it's less that 400 words!

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