🌶Spicy stuff idk how to title🌶

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Idek man, I started writing something and then I couldn't really do anything, and then I tried something else and then that failed too. And then I still wanted to post something so here I am...Just go with it ig, or ur free to continue the story in the comments...

"Idek man..."



It felt horrible, being in this frustration. You felt like putty in his grasp, it was torture for your body. You gasped sharply the more he touched you.

"S-Stop teasing me~" you cry out, but it falls on deaf ears. Kurapika continued to tease you, kiss you and lick you with all he had.

"Now, now, don't be impatient. Didn't we just start?" He asked, pressing a kiss onto your forehead. You shook your head and looked deep into his ash eyes.

"But I want you, I want to kiss you..."

"Alright then darling, you'll get what you want, just this once, okay?" Kurapika whispered, his dominant mood had completely changed, once he realized he wanted the same as you. He wanted true kisses of passion, and not just some lust littered actions.


This is what I started writing, and then I couldn't finished, WHY DID I ADD SPANISH-

"So...are you up for those kissing lessons?" Kurapika asked, embracing Y/n in his arms and snuggling into her neck. He had definitely made her blush and feel butterflies in her stomach with this action, and seeing her rosy cheeks made him proud.

"I-I-I guess so..." Y/n responded meekly. She attempted to turn away from her boyfriend, but utterly failed due to his grip.

"You guess so? So is that a yes?"

"Mhm..." she sighed. Kurapika held her waist with one of his hands, and placed his other hand on her back. He cradled her gently in his lap, stroking her hair occasionally.

"Part one of our lesson." He smirked. "How to initiate a make out session" kurapika let go of Y/n, and leaned into the wall with his back. The Kurta crossed his legs and let his hands rest on his sides. He then patted his thigh, signaling Y/n to move closer to him.

"I want you to straddle my hips and sit on my lap. You can chose where you want to place your hands." Kurapika informed. Y/n followed suit, straddling his hips and leaning closer to his body.

"Do you know what follows?" He asked, staring deep into Y/n's eyes. He didn't expect a verbal response from her, he wanted Y/n to kiss him, to kiss him with utmost passion.

"Te beso con tanta pasión...eso es lo que esperas, verdad?"
"I kiss you with so much passion...that's what you're waiting for right?"

"Correcto mi amor~"
"Correct my love~"

Okay lemme actually write a oneshot next time...

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