Blanket cocoon with you and baby!

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You might be wondering "BABY ?!!"... Uh, yes, Y/n is pregnant...AND NO, this isn't a part 2 to "A make out sesh". It's a completely different story. Y/n and Kurapika are married, and Y/n is 5 months pregnant *does research stuff on pregnancy* OKAY WELL. This should be a cute story...


Kurapika woke up a bit earlier than Y/n. He called Sambica, who was Y/n gynecologist and doctor who was helping you through the whole process. Today Y/n would get her second ultrasound to determine the baby's gender.Y/n was also turning 5 months, which meant that she was half way through her pregnancy.

After getting off of the call with Sambica, Kurapika prepared a breakfast for the still sleeping Y/n. He prepared some chocolate chip pancakes and tea. A kettle of peach and chamomile tea whistled while the pancakes were being flipped and plated. 2 pancakes for Y/n, 2 for Kurapika and an extra one for Y/n and baby. He served the tea in a cup and took out a wooden tray to serve breakfast in bed to Y/n...'and baby' he thought to himself.

Kurapika opened the bedroom door and placed the breakfast tray on the nightstand. He sat next to Y/n on the bed and placed a kiss on her forehead to wake her up. "Good morning my love" he said gently as Y/n groaned and sat up. "And good morning to you baby" Kurapika said as he bent over and placed a kiss on Y/n's baby bump. Y/n laughed at her husband's gestures, Kurapika had been acting as if the baby was already there and walking amongst them. "I called Sambica to confirm the ultrasound appointment. Right now, it's about 9 am? The appointment is around 1:30 ish. So take your time my love, and after breakfast I'll prepare a warm bubble bath for you and the baby!" Kurapika exclaimed.

"Kurapika..." Y/n started off, yawning because she just had woken up. "Thank you, and I'm guessing baby appreciates it aswell." She said softly. Kurapika smiled, normally Y/n would be annoyed when he added the 'with baby' part because she feared that she would be one of those parents that's all like 'hErEs tHe oCeAn' and do a whole trip 'showing' the UNBORN baby places they can't even see or remember. Truthfully she wasn't turning into that, but that was her greatest fear as a parent. Being a pregnant Karen.

(A/N: lol sorry for the rant-)

Y/n ate her breakfast along side Kurapika, talking about their day and making the air suspenseful. The talk about the ultrasound and discovering if the baby would be a girl or a boy exited them both. After breakfast, Kurapika prepared Y/n's bubble bath, so warm and soapy! He waited in the bedroom, reading a book about who knows what, while Y/n took a bubble bath peacefully. After some time, she realized her toes were starting to prune and decided to get out of the bath. Y/n got dressed and stepped out of the bathroom and into the bedroom where Kurapika was still reading a book with an unknown genre.

"Hello! Watch'a reading there pika?" Y/n asked cutely.

"A. Book." Kurapika said bluntly but with a smile plastered on his face.

"A book about...?" Y/n started to trail off. She made her way to the bed and sat next to her blonde husband.

"A book about...detectives and mystery?" Kurapika answered in a confused tone. "It's kinda difficult to explain I guess"

"Well, what's the name of the book and a few of the characters?" Y/n asked, VERY and ULTIMATELY intrigued. She crawled closer to Kurapika, looking over his shoulder to check out the book.

"The book's name is Vatican miracle examiners. It's...okay..." Kurapika said unsatisfied while closing the book. Y/n lost interest and moved away from Kurapika.

"Could you make me some cookies? Please?"


*timeskip (lol, she got cravings-)************

After the instant cookies were placed in the oven, by your's truly, Kurapika, he walked back into the bedroom where Y/n resided and turned on the T.V.

"There's a new Studio Ghibli movie out, would you like to watch it?" Kurapika asked as he pressed a kiss on Y/n's head. Y/n only nodded into Kurapika's chest. She was starting to get cozy as she pulled the blanket over herself and Kurapika.

"Awww, Custard reminds me of Armin!" Y/n said while laughing. Kurapika saw no resemblance between Custard and Armin, but went along with it anyway.

About halfway through the movie, the cookies were done! Kurapika got up to take them out of the oven and place them on plate. He walked back to his shared room with Y/n with a plate of cookies and 2 glasses of milk in his hands.

"Why 2 glasses of milk?" Y/n asked Kurapika. He just stared at her. "Why 2 glasses of milk? What?" Kurapika thought to himself. "What does she mean by that ?" He kept thinking. He was always now confused by pregnant. Y/n ... somehow...

"The cookies are for me so I don't understand why YOU need a glass of milk"

"W h a t"


The ending's strange. Ik ik.

I'm sorry for not posting in like 3 weeks, especially on Valentine's days....

O o f

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