My kitty my love

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Is this a continuation of touchy touchy? No, it is not. I just kinda got this idea one night and was like "bruh, yes"

Basically, Y/n gets turned into a cat.

Bikini(?) warning(?)

The door to Y/n's and Kurapika's apartment opened. Kurapika got home from his day at work. "How do I explain this to him?" Y/n thought in her cat form. Then, luckily she got an idea. She got a sheet of paper and a pen and tried to write down something.

"Hi, it's Y/n" she wrote down sloppily with a pen in her mouth. The cat took another piece of paper and wrote some more things down.

"Got turned into cat" the second sheet of paper read. Once she was satisfied, she strolled into the living room where Kurapika was with the sheets of paper in her mouth.

"Hey Y/n? Are you here my love-" Kurapika spotted Y/n in her cat form, but he didn't actually know it was Y/n. He stared at the grey cat, confused on why it was there, and why it was wearing...a bodysuit?

"A cat...? In a body suit? Did Y/n bring it in while  I was gone?" He thought to himself while walking over to the cat, and he realized it had sheets of paper in its mouth. Kurapika continued to walk over to cat Y/n and he crouched down next to her.

"Hello little kitty! Did my precious Y/n bring you here? Are you hungry? Wait...what's that you have there?" Kurapika wondered as he pet Y/n's head. He grabbed the sheets of paper out of Y/n's mouth and read them. He let out a loud gasp as he read the last sheet of paper and picked up Y/n.

"So someone turned you into a cat?...maybe you can still speak, try that!" Kurapika was a little confused, but he seemed happy.

"Hello? My name is Y/n and my Boyfriend's name is Kurapika!"

"Did you just say 'Hello, My name is-"

"Yes! Yes I did!"

***time skipy***

Y/n the cat and Kurapika were cuddling on the couch. It wasn't an uncommon thing for them to cuddle, but for one of them to be a cat was pretty rare.

"You're so adorable as a cat Y/n...but why are you wearing a body suit?" Kurapika asked. Y/n's eyes widened, and she opened her mouth to speak...but only meows came out.

"Have you lost your ability to speak just as we found it? Oh no..." Kurapika sighed. His head hung low as he felt defeated. If Y/n were to stay a cat forever, how would they communicate? How would they talk to each other? Kurapika would surely miss Y/n's kind words.

"I...why can't I say *meow* GAHHHH! I cant explain *meow*! I'm so angry!" Y/n screamed out angrily. Kurapika face instantly lit up, Y/n didn't lose her ability to speak, but what caused her to be turned into a cat would be censored by meows. How helpful. 

"I'm just going to assume..." Kurapika whispered while petting Y/n head and ears. He placed his free hand on his chin while trying to come up with ideas on why Y/n was turned into a cat. When he finally thought of something, his face turned red with embarrassment.

"That you're wearing this bodysuit, so that when you turn back into a human, you won't be naked?" and with this, his face turned a brighter shade of red. Oh, what was this man thinking? Y/n only let out a nervous meow, which he took as a yes.

"S-s-so..." Kurapika stuttered out. "What do you want to do Y/n?"

^time skip^

Kurapika has taken care of Y/n just like a kitten. He prepared her a little bath, using some leftover baby shampoo from that time Prince Woble visited. He also made her a Starkist tuna salad and got her some milk. They cuddled with eachother A LOT, and Y/n tried the fabled "cat laying on a keyboard" thing. Laying on a keyboard was actually quite comfortable for her.

"Nyah Kurapika, I'm sleepy..." Y/n yawned, stretching out her paws and tail. Luckily Kurapika was also sleepy, so they both agreed to take a nap together on the couch. Y/n curled up on his chest, and Kurapika pet her soft fur.

They slept peacefully together this way for some time...before Kurapika felt a weight on his chest. His eyes fluttered open to reveal human Y/n, who was stretched out on top of him. Her head was lying on his chest, and she was still soundly asleep. He blinked to confirm that this wasn't a dream and that Y/n was back to normal, and she was.

"Y/n..." Kurapika cooed, patting her head. It had seemed like he had gotten used to her cat ears.

Y/n Yawned, waking up from her nap and revealing that the cat like fangs had stayed. Her eyes opened, and she stared at Kurapika sleepily.


"I think you're back to normal~" Kurapika teased, holding onto Y/n's now human hand. He brought her hand up to his lips to kiss it gently and to show it to Y/n. She gasped seeing her human hand again, and sat up. Y/n gave herself a pat down, checking her body to see if everything was back to normal.

"Whew..." Y/n sighed, slumping down. Kurapika coughed audibly, because, well, Y/n was still sitting on him.

"O-oh! I'm sorry!" Y/n exclaimed, jumping off of Kurapika and onto the floor. She stretched as Kurapika sat up and covered his eyes with his hands.

"Kurapika, what's wrong...OH MY G-"

Y/n had seen herself in a mirror. She was still wearing the now revealing leotard, which was deep cut and had a large slit in the back where her tail went. Embarrassed, she rushed into the bedroom and put on one of Kurapika's oversized t-shirts. And then she ran to the living room again.

"S-s-so...what did you think of me as a cat..."



The fact that I started writing this in April and never finished it...


....idk what to say...but...


Kurapika x Reader ONESHOTS !Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora