Blindfolded Kissing (🌶)

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What... what am I doing?

☠︎︎=author Chan panic attack indicator

Every night that Kurapika got home, you waited for him. Whether it be laying on the couch or in bed. He would go in and cuddle you in his arms, or you 2 might even be in a heated kissing session. Whatever you ended up doing, it was out of love and adoration.

This time you were waiting on your bed, sprawled out while hugging a pillow. Luckily the bedroom door open, revealing Kurapika in his suit. He had a warm smile on his face once he saw you. He set his things down in a chair and took off his suit jacket. He then sat down on the corner of the bed, untying his shoes and then laying down next to you. It was quite obvious what he was going to do next, he was going to kiss you, which he did. There was no need for him to say hello, he just went for it. Holding you up to his body, an arm wrapped around your waist and the other holding your cheek tenderly. He continued for a few moment before pulling away and speaking.

"Let's try something new" he said with a small smirk forming on his lips. You look at him, perplexed as he took out a black strip of satiny fabric.☠︎︎ He got closer to you, wrapping it around your eyes and tying it snuggly in the back.

"Kurapika, what's this for?" You ask, extending out your hand and placing it on his chest. His smirk got larger and he held your hands in his.

"I guess I'm heightening your senses, or I just...mmm" he leaned in, and nibbled on your ear making you let out a small squeak.

"I wanted you to feel so good tonight" he told you in a seductive whisper.





*bonk*...go to horn knee jail...

Anyways Childe-

Uhhh, check out my Diluc x reader story? Hehe...(shamless self advertisement...)

Kurapika x Reader ONESHOTS !حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن