Te amo.

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Okay so...this isn't "El Romantico Espanol Kurapika" it's a whole other story. And uhhh, Y/n is mute here, she can understand Spanish tho. Oh yeah, translations obviously are going to be offered. Oh and, I speak Spanish! I use the Mexican? Version I guess...idk...so that's why it might seem off ?

"Buenos dias~" the sleepy blonde said as he tried to lift himself up. Besides him was his girlfriend also trying to wake up. She reached out her hand towards Kurapika and placed it in his, bringing it closer to his face and kissing it.
(Good morning~)

"Dormiste bien carñio?" He asked Y/n, letting go of her hand. Y/n nodded, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. She tried looking away, but that ultimately failed because a hand was placed on her jaw. That hand was Kurapika's. He used it to move Y/n's face to look at his own.
(Did you sleep well my love?)

"Que bueno, amor..." Kurapika started to trail off, pressing a kiss onto her lips. Y/n stared in admiration at Kurapika, a cheerful smile forming on her face. And he looked back, love filling his eyes.
(That's great my love...)

Kurapika only thought to himself about how much he loved this person. Seeing them wake up happy, made him happy. Since they were still laying in bed, why wouldn't they cuddle? Kurapika picked up Y/n and set her on his lap. One hand holding her by the waist, and the other on her face.

"Y ahora...es LA hora, para los besos... y los besotes"

(And now, it's THE hour, for kisses, and the smooches)


Assume they probably made out after this.

ANYWAYS, "romantic" Spanish is kinda hard to translate to English. Idk, atleast it was difficult for me.

I also had the word "smooch" stuck in my head.

ALSO, I'm sorry dis short. I'll definitely update a lil more since spring break just started for me...and I'm sorry to say that my updates might be slower after next week. I'll be going back to school 4 days a week...for 8 more weeks.

Luckily it's not the whole school year and summer is right around the corner!

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