Yall smooch (obv)

908 14 12

Kiss kiss fall in love! Hey! Hey! Hey!
(I'm alive/spice warning/you might not see me for another few months but yuh I'm still alive)

Holding her in his arms, Kurapika played with Y/n's soft hair, twirling it in his fingers. He let out an amused purr as Y/n cuddled even closer to him.

"So, you're not asleep?" Kurapika asked in a teasing manner, a little smirk appearing on his face. Y/n shook her head before speaking.

"Mm, no~ I just woke up from a nap"

Kurapika chuckled as he continued to play with his beloved's hair. "A nap you say? That's rare...are you still tired from last night?" He questioned, his smirk now more prominent on his cute little face. 

"Kurapikaaaaa!" Y/n whined, patting one of his cheeks and pinching it. Kurapika only made a little "ouchy" noise before giving Y/n a little kiss.

"Mwah! Mwah Mwah!" He added in for sound effects. And then a "you're still flustered? How cute!". Y/n only pouted, crossing her arm and looking away as Kurapika caressed her thigh. He lightly squeezed it, and then looked away innocently.

"Kurapika...I felt that you know..."    Y/n said plainly, looking up at him from her position. Kurapika only furrowed his brows and tried to shake it off.

"O-oh, im sorry-" he was abruptly cut off by Y/n's lips.

"If you wanted me right now, you could have just said..." she smirked, now giving Kurapika's chin a squeeze.

"C'mon..." Kurapika sighed. "You know I like to tease you a bit, and I know you like it too~" he cooed, before giving Y/n a few kisses. "Why don't we continue this? A few kisses...what do you say?"

"Why not?~"

*author Chan takes a deep inhale*

*author Chan tries to think of a way to write this...*

"So...you've agreed~" Kurapika whispered as his lips were just touching Y/n's, his voice not just being heard, but the vibrations felt too. Their lips gently touched, and went into a synced rhythm. "More~" he whispered after a few seconds. And "More~" again after a nice long kiss.

"Kurapika~" Y/n mumbled as they both pulled away. They were about to kiss again, but Kurapika ran his thumb over her bottom lip, keeping her mouth open enough to give her an opened mouth kiss. An audible "mwah" was heard, but it did not sound the same as Kurapika's sounds he made earlier. This time it sounded almost wet and lustful.

They continued these passionate kisses, and at one point, Y/n was completely pinned down to the bed and Kurapika was sucking on her neck. "Mmm~ how delectable~" he mused "your skin is soft~". Kurapika kissed and sucked more and more, until areas of Y/n's neck started to turn cherry red. "Does this hurt, Y/n?" He asked sweetly, holding onto her hand.

"N-no~" Y/n responded "it actually...feels quite nice~". Kurapika only smirked to himself and made his way down to her collarbone, where he gently bit the skin.

"Hey...Kurapika...Y/n...we have to work tomorroWOAH-" a loud voice boomed, and this voice belonged to no one other than Leorio. How he got here, no one truly knows...and how he opened a locked door? Nobody knows either...unless he used nen. But how in the world did Leorio know Kurapika and Y/n were there? Simple. Melody was walking with him to the cafeteria in the Hunter's association building, and they passed by the couple's apartment. Now, the issue here was that Leorio had broken in, and not that Kurapika and Y/n were making out passionately.

Leorio immediately excused himself and ran out, locking the door with his nen...But...

Kurapika was too interested in Y/n to care about Leorio right now.

And so, they continued...making out passionately without a care.


I hope you guys take this as a peace offering?

Also the amount of TIMES I listened to Mary On A Cross by Ghost while writing this is insane, I'm low key obsessed with that song...

Anyways how are you? How is your day? Did you drink your water today?

(lol this doesn't mean I'm updating this regularly, sorry broski...I have other anime boyfriends to fantasize about now..."

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