Vampire. (Twilight Au(?))

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Okay but like... Dracule Mihawk...

Anyways K.P Is a vampire here and uh yeah...totally not based off of Twilight...actually...the bloopers are based off of Twilight...

Alice Cullen is my spirit animal

You walked, a knife surrounded by nen aura in your hand. Your memory was foggy, all you could remember was the sight of trees. Trees and bats and foxes. You don't exactly remember why you were here, but you knew you were lost.

"Hello there~" something whispered in your ear. You turned around quickly to see who it was, but you sadly saw nothing. Scared, you mindlessly continue walking.

It must have been hours, but you found yourself a cave, and luckily there was a fresh water spring inside of it. Cupping your hands, you drank some water, it was cold and refreshing. You stretched your arms and legs before going over to a corner and curling up to sleep.

Amidst your sleep, the owner of the voice that called out to you appeared in the cave. He watched you as you sleep peacefully, a smile forming on his lips. He crouched down next to you, placing a finger over a small cut that you had on your cheek. He licked the blood off his finger, another smile forming on his face.

"Marechi, just like I've suspected" he thought to himself. He placed his finger on your forehead before whispering some words.

"Come to me"

You wake up in the morning, feeling refreshed and knowledgeable. You press a hand to your forehead, feeling as if someone quickly shot information into your head. You pick up your stuff quickly, and immediately start walking.

It was as if your subconscious was controlling you or if you already knew what was happened.

After walking for some time, you found yourself infront of a castle. It was dark, and few lights were coming out of it. You head towards the entrance, opening the creaky door.

"Is anyone here-" you were cut off by a hand. A person shushed you and started running with you in their arms towards some sort of celar. Once there, they placed you on a chair, and shut the door.

"Hello." The person said, you instantly recognized their voice, it sounded just like the person who greeted you in the forest.

You were about to scream, but the person shook their head and placed a finger over their mouth.

"It seems you were being followed...I'll explain everything later, just stay here and be quiet alright?" The person told you, walking over towards a a hole in the wall the size of a pencil. The mysterious person stuck their finger inside of it, disappearing and leaving. It was like they shrunk and passed through the hole.

You heard running from the other side of the door. It soon disappeared, but then there was a loud crash and what sounded to be a pig squealing. It was quickly over, and the person opened the door again, holding out a hand for you.

"Alright, you can come out now."

You take his hand shyly, and in a matter of seconds your infront of a dining table. In the center of it there was a cooked boar, which was probably what the mysterious person was fighting. Not only that, you found yourself in a red dress and the person had also changed into something else.

"You like pork right?" The person asks, pulling you into a chair and slicing some meat.

"Uhhh, yes..." you reply, watching the rare meat be set onto your plate. The person cuts some meat for themselves, and then sits in a chair infront of you, sipping on a glass with a red substance.

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