Forty five

299 16 9

a/n mature cont

Dean and Mercury sat together side by side on the sand, knee touching knee, heartbeat in rhythm. Even though it was raining, they knew the moon and sun aligned together just for them, for heaven and earth were conjoining together all at once.

Mercury could feel it racing through her veins and revertbing against her bones. Today would be a special day for the two lovers. A day so special that they dared to not imagine the supernova making its way towards them, star dust and atoms heading towards them, unknown when it would hit. She gets up then, hair matted wet and his hoodie sticking against her like second skin, she runs towards the waves. There was a beauty in the chaos of the skies tears coating the ocean, the sea pulled her in for Mercury was the moon and the tide seemed to flow to her.

The water was cold, salty, but there was a warm in her chest that radiated throughout her body so she could never tell. She ducks her head under before rising, water on every inch of her body. Her kaleidoscope eyes scatter around before she finds nothing but the ocean around her.

Vas's ocean landscapes of dark blue and the sky was cracking agains her. She didn't know if her feet were touching the water or not, perhaps she was floating, treading, pulled in by the side so much hat it was taking her away. Yet, before she could feel the panic rise in her, two arms encircled around her and like a planet in orbit he pulled her close to him. His pull was stronger than the tide and as they stand on the shore, two of his hands clasping her face, he tilts her head up for her to look at him.

"I'll always save you",

he whispers it so softly but his words were louder to her than the rain. And once again, he brought a warmth in her. The water tickled their feet pooling around their ankles, their eyes locked so deep that they were lost in each others galaxies. His thumb caresses her cheek softly, "Dean." The white haired girl inhales deeply, using every fibre within her, 

"I-i-i... I'm in love with you."

The waves crash against each other and she almost thinks she didn't say it. "Dean, I'm in love with you." It was scary for her, for her to admit to even anything. But she knew it was true, she knew it more than anything. She watches slowly as the corners of his mouth crease as his lips turn upwards and the twinkle and gleam that was shining in his eyes. "Im in love with you too." He breathes out softly before bringing his arms around her and pulling her close to him. "I love you more than the moon loves the sun", he whispers.

She felt tears pool in her eyes as she clutched his chest with her hands. His shirt was wet but every fibre in her body held onto him, and the sky cried with her. She wanted to ask him if he was sure, to ask him how someone could possibly love her. 

But she remembered it didnt matter, he was hers and she was his. 

She kisses him, their faces are damp from the rain and tears and he holds her matted hair like it was the finest silk. Their lips intertwine like galaxies colliding and she takes the breathe right out of him. His rough lips against her soft ones, mouthes dancing and body igniting, heart strings tightening and skin tingling.

They pull back slowly and he looks at her like she's his world.

He felt euphoric, and it was all because of her.

Holding her hand wordlessly the walk in the rain to his car, where he presses her against the wet red mustang and traces fingers and patterns onto her beautiful canvas. His hands hold her figure tightly underneath his hoodie and the rumbling of the sky above them was sending them onto another plane. Fumbling into the backseat of his car he takes his time in discarding their clothes.

Laying her down softly and peppering kisses up her body, on each scar, every freckle, every mound. He will draw a constellation on her with his lips and she will cry his name like an angel. For their bodies together was a match made in heaven.

He intertwines their hands together before placing them above her head and swooping down to kiss her candied lips. Breathes shaking, rain pouring on the window and breaths fogging up the car. Steadily he enters her, emitting a breathy gasp from her.

Skin on skin, bodies together.

He moves slowly, wanting to grasp onto each sensation coursing through his veins, in which she watches the furrow in his brows and the focus in his lip bite as his eyes are on hers. She can't look away, even as her body jolts from the sensation and moans pass her lips, she can't look away.

His hands hold her waist as he emits a breathy grunt before quickening the pace. "Fuck, I love you. I love you so fucking much", he breathes out, still looking at her as her heart quickens the pace.

"I love you too", she breathes out.

His thrusts quicken and she bites her lip softly, he was so beautiful to her.

They made love that day and finished together before then climbing onto the boot of his car and facing the beach. 

Just the two of them, getting lost in love.

He smokes a cigarette with one hand, and the other wraps around her arm.

Two planets stuck in orbit

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