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"I truly visualise different versions of me- versions that haven't developed

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"I truly visualise different versions of me- versions that haven't developed. Versions that...are still in the making. Like a draft of an essay or story or artwork. My version of success and different potential- I want to reach that fu-"

"Pardon?" Mercury's mother narrows her eyes at her from across the dining table, her father quietly cut into his steak as she eyed both of her parents. "I-I-" her mind couldn't think right. It had been three weeks off her medication and she was struggling to stay composed in front of her parents. "Are you stuttering again?" Her father looked up now as he placed a roast potato in his mouth. Meanwhile the young girl didn't have the appetite for meat- all she could think of was the fresh flesh she had seen on several occasions. It sickened her to even look at meat. "What I'm trying to say is- I think I want to pick up music."

The forks clatter down on the plate and chairs screeched back as both of her parents stood up from the table. "You cannot think , you have to kno-"

"I bloody know that!" The young girl stayed seated, her shoulders vibrating as she exclaimed at her mother. "I don't-don't have to have this well thought out plan on a piece of paper with an elaborate PowerPoint to follow. I want to do it to be bloody experimental for once in my life and if you would-"

"We are not sending you to an expensive school for you to pick up something as flabbergastic as music. You need to do something about that stutter, and temper. Know your place."

And with that her mother followed her father suit as they exited the dining room leaving the young girl remaining at her seat with her plate laid in front of her. What a lovely conversation it had been, so lovely that it took everything for the girl to not pick up the plate and slam it against the wall.

Raising from the table she exits the room and makes her way out of the front door to sit on the porch steps. She fumbles for her phone in her pocket before fishing it out and dialing the first number that came to mind.

"It's six o'clock"
"Can you come pick me up?"
She hears Deans exhale of frustration, her legs brush up against eachother to warm up from the cold. "Please, I'm cold an-"
"So? I'm not your fucking sun Mercury, I'm not going to warm you up when your little planet is feeling chilly."

She said nothing as she heard movement in the background. It hurt what he said, her emotions had been flactuating at an all time high. She hangs up and stares at the same lamppost that she stared at across the street every night. A car pulled up in front of her, it was a old red mustang and an expression of surprise appeared on her face as Dean exited it. She stood up and walked towards him, quickly glancing at her parents window to see the lights were off and the blinds were closed. He watched her as he leans against it, her hair shone brightly against the moonlight and to him she looked so fucking pretty.

"The fuck is that?"
He liked her greetings.

Deans lips turn up as he puts his hand out to grasp hers, "do you like it?" Her hand holds onto his and she feels her heart rate quicken.

She pulls the passenger door open to be greeted by smooth velvet, it was like something out of a 80s classic and she couldn't help but let her fingers dance against the smooth fabric. He leans his head against her shoulder, bending down to reach so his mouth is next to her ear. "I stole it." Suddenly she turns around to face his emerald eyes.

"Chill out retrogade, I dealt with him", they both smiled wickedly at eachother and he wanted nothing more but to press her against the car and attack her neck. And for that, he disliked her all over again and took a step back from her. Her brows furrow but she turns around and slides herself onto the seat. "Violet worries about you."

Her multicoloured eyes meet his as a pang shot through her chest. Mercury and Violet hadn't hung out outside of school in two months and she found herself retreating from her best friend. After all, Violet was one of the only things that kept her sane and who she was. "Said that I'm a bad influence on you or something", his eyes meet her then as he watches her through the open door, seeing her expressions change to heartfelt and it pissed him off.

He never liked Violet anyway.

"You are in a way"

She chews her lip softly and shimmeys back further into the seat. "You made me go off my meds and we killed people and-"

Dean couldn't believe what he was hearing. She had willingly stopped taking her medication with a bit of persuasion but it was important for her to understand each bit and piece of her journey in life was her choice. As a matter of killing that took a stab to his pride, she couldn't take any credit for that. "You wouldn't even lift the body out of the trunk so shut the fuck up."

Then there was the silence that they were both so used to. "She doesn't need you anymore, you know?"

He bends down even further into the car so that the tips of their noses were almost touching. Her eyes seemed so much more vibrant in the night and he liked the way she looked in his car. "Think about it..." he lets a rough finger twirl against her hair, fuck it was as smooth and silky as it looked. "She has a boyfriend... a nice normal life. A psychotic friend who she clearly has started dismissing, and truthfully. Do you think she would really like you after your new hobbies?"
He smirks to himself then as he tucks the strand behind her ear. "And what kind of friend would you be to keep secrets from her? A shit one of course...but, it's not like you can tell anyone"

Tears dance in her eyes and his thumb traces the outline of her jaw before softly touching her bottom lip as he chuckles softly. "You don't need her. You should make that loud and clear. We could make that loud and clear." She locks eyes with his manic ones and gulps allowing herself to lean into his hand. A year slowly slides down from her left eye. Dean couldn't help but think that she was so pretty when she cried, it let him see a vulnerable side of her that he knew no one else had seen. He wanted to kiss the tears away, relish in the fact that she would only cry in front of him, they were his tears to have. "Oh and Mercury?"

Silently her eyes flickered to his as he intertwined their fingers together.

"We'll summon the demon that is your father back to hell...we'll set fire to this world."

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