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Mercury and Dean stand hand in hand in front of a beige villa. Flowers adorned the front lawn and the sun seemed to beam down onto the house, illuminating it. The mustang was parked in the driveway and before Dean could raise his hand to knock on the door and before Mercury could burst in- the door opened. Revealing a middle aged woman with a large smile stretching out her tight face. Dark brown hair stopped at a bob and her green eyes twinkled as she let go of the door handle to embrace her son.

Dean stood awkwardly hands side by side as Mercury watched the awkward embrace, although his mother didn't seem to care and embraced him until the scent of her perfume filled his nose. "You came", she gasped out in which Dean stood tight lipped with no response. His mother looked over to Mercury who stood there with a blank expression, still clutching onto Dean's hand. "Oh hello-" she opened her arms ready to embrace the young girl, sticking out a hand with a tight lipped smile the beauty spoke, "I'm Mercury."

And that was that.

The three stepped into the house which was adorned in photos, cheesy quotes, and flowers everywhere. Mercury wasn't sure if she was jealous or disgusted by the coziness of this home. "I feel sick", she spat out wobbly before storming off to the bathroom that Dean's Mother had shown her. Dean stood awkwardly at the entrance of the living room as his mother went in. Memories rushed through him like the ultimate déjà vu and he could almost see his father sitting on the couch with the morning paper in his hands. It felt like the barrel of the gun was in his hand again and his mother all pristine looking opened her mouth in protest.

"Dean? Sweetie?"

He blinked.
Three times.

And everything in front of him was gone, it was just his stupid mother looking at him wearily from inside the living room, and he was glad he had left his gun in the car. "I'm not going in there", he stated. He honestly didn't think his feet would even allow him to, the only place he didn't mind going to so far was the hallway or bathroom. He hadn't been to his bedroom yet - that would wait for later. He wished Mercury would hurry up so she would be next to him, look his mother in the eyes and tell her to fuck off before grabbing him and forcing him to drive them away in the mustang.

But she never came, and it had been at least fifteen minutes of Mercury in the bathroom and the awkward exchange between a mother and son. "That's fine..." she said eventually, as if she could change his mind anyway. "We should go now- it's almost sunset... it's a quick walk." Dean didn't say anything, just nodded his head and followed his mother outside of the house before she led him to a path at the side leading to the backyard. The backyard was massive, he always remembered that. His mother would spend hours looking after her flowers and Dean would play in the pool or soccer- and he was starting to wonder why the hell he didn't just drown himself in there.

They stopped next to the glass greenhouse where his mother grew his herbs, glancing to the big tree next to it was a tombstone- and suddenly dean felt sick. His hands began shaking slightly as he took a step back to retreat, "Dean..." his mother spoke clutching his shaking hand, but her hold did not help, for to him it was more of a strangers touch than a mother's. "In our fucking backyard? Really?" He looked at the tombstone again, to think that the devil himself laid in their yard made him sick. "I-I didn't want him to be buried anywhere else..." His mother justified as Dean made a disgruntled sound before shoving his hands into his pockets. From the corner of his eye he saw her pull out a sheet of paper and clear her throat before he realised she was going to read a speech of some sort.

Mercury eventually stumbled out of the bathroom rubbing her puffy eyes and successfully managing to calm herself down from an episode that could've occurred. The sight of seeing Dean's mother made her stomach flip and it had only been two days since she had left. Unbeknownst to her, Mercury's mother was currently filing a missing child report and had the police and investigator at her home. Mercury walked to the kitchen and peered out the window to see Dean and his mother in the backyard. His mother smiled up dearly at him as he stared at the ground and Mercury felt a weird feeling stirring in her stomach. She watched as she rubbed his back and helped Dean throw a flower onto the tombstone and clutched him and sobbed quietly as he awkwardly stood there, both hands still in his jean pockets.

Leaning back from the window she went and meant against the wall in the hallway, how had she gotten here and if Dean hated his mother why the hell were they here? She hears the back door slide open and watches them enter as his mother excused herself. "Hey..." he whispers out to her as he takes a hold of her hand. Mercury couldn't bring herself to smoke and even though his mother was mourning and Dean had a weird look in his eyes- she simply couldn't wish them well. "Hi..." she whispers out as they stand in the dimly lit hall, the sun had settled and no words were spoken. The silence was loud. And in that moment Mercury knew the feeling she was feeling in her stomach.

She was jealous of Dean having a potential relationship with anyone that wasn't her.

And that made her sick.

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