Thirty eight

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Mercury's mother gripped the steering wheel tightly with her porcelain hands whilst Nick and Violet sat in the backseat. Nick had agreed to show her Dean's address which was hidden somewhere in his room.

All Diane could think about was finding her stupid daughter to get the answers that she so desired- or at least to confirm the fear protruding in the back of her mind. She didn't like having strangers in her car, particularly scruffy boyish ones, she pursed her maroon lips tightly- her daughter probably settled for worse.

The car came to an abrupt halt as they parked outside the apartment building on the west side of town, Violet's head bumped onto the back of the drivers seat at the halt and as Nick reached his hand over to touch her she sent him a vicious scowl. "Don't touch me" she whispered harshly, flinging open the passenger seat she followed suit to Diane who waited impatiently on the footpath. As Nick led the way all Violet could think about was how much she hated this woman. Diane who was the perfect woman with warm tanned skin and dimpled cheeks was a pure contrast of the icy eyes and clawed nails that she had shown Violet many times. She was just as selfish as Mercury, if worse, and it made no sense to Violet way Nick was willingly helping her.

"This is your home?"

Diane felt disgusted. It was like she had entered a lion's den and she almost went back to her car to place her Gucci embroiled mask on her face. Instead she settled for the gloves which she slipped onto her hands, far too scared to be contaminated with whatever disgusting things roamed the surfaces. Jake said nothing as he led them down the dimly lit hall and towards a dark oak door that stood tall.

The entrance to Dean's room.

Violet could feel the energy radiating off it, hostile, violent, hellish fury. It was practically scorching her and she felt as though they were opening hell's gate, as if the demons inside would soon be released. It was a nauseuating feeling as she watched Nick and Diane step inside. Violet couldn't bring herself to, scared that Dean would suddenly reappear, scared of what was to come.

"Where is it?' Diane hissed out to Nick who looked as though he was ready to shit himself. Diane had the energy of a thousand suns, her toxicity filled up the room and her heat could be felt from every angle. "I-i don't know", Nick was a flustering stuttered mess as he let Diane shove him to the side. In a frantic mess she began opening the bedside table drawers throwing out everything that didn't look of relevance. Cigarette packs, vodka bottles, searching through every drawer it seemed to be filled with some sort of substance. She rummaged through his bookshelf, random books on history, encyclopaedias, porn magazines, figurines- nothing of relevance to her.

Violet watched in surprise to see all the things Dean had in his room, she wasn't surprised about the substances but was surprised to find so many books on his shelf. Diane had now searched almost every corner frantically to the point that she took of her heels and let them touch the dusty floor. Her shoulders were heaving excessively and her coffin shaped nails dug into her palm. She began to shake his side table rapidly screaming out- "how does he have so much useless shit." Upon saying that a lighter rolled out from under the side drawer and she looked at it confused.

The lighter was a simple black one with a Batman logo imprinted onto it, on the pack of the lighter was a piece of paper similar to those with instructions and safety measures on them. Her dainty fingers opened the paper which was white with one simple thing written on it.

Dean's address.

And all Violet could think about is that they really had opened the gate to hell, because touching Dean's lighter was bound to ignite the flame between him and Mercury.

And she feared of the demons that would emerge out of them. She could almost see and hear it now, flashes of red flames, bloodshed tears and screams.

They were dancing with the devils.

Hiii sorry I haven't updated in so long I just finished my final exams. But I'm back and ready than ever so expect a lot of chapters to be coming this week and the next!

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