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Mercury twisted open her bottle before placing two capsules on her tongue and swallowing them down with water

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Mercury twisted open her bottle before placing two capsules on her tongue and swallowing them down with water. Violet laid on her best friends bed, curls sprawling around her head. She watched her friend swallow her pills before applying her last bit of mascara on her eyes.

The two girls exited Mercury's house before sliding into Violets car. After all this was their routine. Mercury tightened the strap on her spaghetti dress that hugged her body graciously before relaxing back into the leather of the car. The girls had decided not to talk about what had happened to Dean. Nick was clearly bothered by it but had said nothing. It had been a few weeks since the incident and things had gone back to normal. "You look good." Mercury complimented her friend. Because she did, Violet was the only person Mercury would ever praise. Her best friend blows a mwah as they park in front of the large suburban home.

Once every month a girl from school by the name of Stephanie Lotinez through a party when her parents were out travelling. Nobody really knew who the girl was- they just knew her house and loved to trash it. The girls slid out of the car catching the eyes of people on the lawn who had red sofa cups filled with illicit substances in their hands. "Disgusting..." Mercury mumbled to her friend who agreed equally disgusted .  The music was some sort of EDM which shook the walls of the house and was so loud it sounded like static in their ears. They went to the kitchen to kick the night off, Violet sliding a flask from her top and pouring the girls two drinks each.

The Smirnoff burnt their throats yet they both smiled to eachother and had another glass. Lanky arms wrapped around Violets waist as Mercury began rolling her eyes at the sudden appearance of  Nick. "Hey Merc." She still hated that nickname. She smiled at him tightly not forgetting the incident at the hospital which was still pressed at the back of her mind. She turns around heading to the lounge where the music was louder. Making her way into the middle of the crowd she begins to let the music carry her away. Although the music was shit Mercury knew how to dance to just about anytning. Her mother didn't pay thousands for dance school as a child for nothing.

Eyes were on the slim girl. The warm light danced on her skin and her white hair shone like moonlight in the dimmed room. Her eyes fluttered shut covering her brown and blue eyes and her hands wandered her body to the beat like a temple. She caught the attention of the room, she always did. Bravely someone from the crowd placed both hands softly on her hips begore dancing in sync with her. She kept her eyes closed moving to the beat of the strangers hands, back pressed against a torso and head leant back onto the shoulder. There was something erotic and sensual with the way she moved and it brought power into her knowing that she was above everyone.

She grabbed the strangers hand and led him off the dance floor and up the stairs to a random room. Opening the door and closing it behind her she turned around to face the boy she had grabbed. He was cute with orange hair slicked back allowing his face to be present. Dimples carved into his cheeks and his height not much taller than hers. But she didn't mind. She was too high off power to care. She slid the straps of her dress down and sat on the bed watching the boy make his way over to her. His lips were soft against hers, tender and warm against hers mouths parting and tongues moving in a slow dance.

She moved further back on the bed removing his shirt in the process and her dress bunching up to her hips. A soft pink thong present which caused an evident excitement it in the boys brown eyes. His lips placed butterfly kisses against her neck tracing down to her thighs. She could hear his breathes becoming deeper and heavier as her lips parted softly. Surprisingly patiently awaiting his next move. His lips met hers again, hands sensually travelling up the silk of her dress to cup her mounds.

Shutting her eyes briefly a wetness covers her face and arms before her body is pressed down by a weight. Opening her eyes the boy who was softly kissing her was now a gaping mess. A searing hole was in the middle of his forehead with the blood trickling down his face onto her shoulder. The familiar stench of blood was beginning to fill her nose as tears brimmed in her eyes. "No..." she whispered out to herself. She shut her eyes again ignoring the blood that was coating her eyelids. It was all a dream. A nightmare. She should be aware she was dreaming.

She opened her eyes again to still feel the weight of the dead body on her. Her body began to shake violently as sobs began raking through her body. The blood looking like fresh dye in her white hair and had tainted her porcelain skin. Footsteps filled the room before stopping next to her. Turning her head slightly she met the eyes of a mad man.

He rolled the body off her harshly letting it land to the ground with a thud. She couldn't even squeak his name out. Dean looked down at her, the innocent colour of white that covered every inch of her body was now red. It was a true beauty which he had painted over a human canvas. He grabbed her hand and  lifted her shaking arm harshly off the bed. Glancing at the door she realised it was locked as she sees the glock on the ground near it. He drags her to the en-suite before turning the shower on pushing her in it. Cold water pelted at her skin however she was too numb to feel a thing.

Dean stares at her, hands tucked into his pocket.
"Are you okay?"
He smiles at himself before answering his own question. "Of course you're not." He exits the room playing with his lighter staring down at the dead boy below him. He almost frowned, but this was who he was. Mercury exits the shower, silk dress not so silky sticking against her like a second skin and hair matted against her neck and shoulders.

He looks back at the girl before throwing her his lighter which she doesn't attempt to catch letting it fall to her feet. He holds up his packet of cigarettes and offers her one.

This was not a dream.

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