Twenty seven

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Dean woke up with a headache that could kill for days. Craning his neck to each side with a crack he sat up on the shower floor. His hair was knotty and damp as well as his briefs which is the only item of clothing he is adorned in. "Fuck", he watches the bathroom door creek open and his friend stand with a glass of orange juice in his hand. "Morning, you were sobbing for days last night man..." Hissing and muttering in disagreement he places his hands on the shower wall bracing his buckling knees up off the floor

 Stepping sluggishly out of the shower he grabs the spare toothbrush and begins brushing his teeth. His mind was groggy and he couldn't remember much from last night.  " Want some toast or something?"


"Shit! Mercury!" If theres one thing he did remember it was receiving a message from the silver-haired girl demanding him to come over after he had collected the money. Shoving past his friend he rushes to the front door grabbing his car keys that he left on the hook. "Alright...No toast then. Til next time mate." With a quick salute, Dean exits the house before bolting down the stairs into his red mustang. Turning the keys in his igition he hits the gas pedal, putting on his seatbelt as he drives. He didn't understand the urgency he had to go and see her, perhaps a part of him missed her, or maybe he was worried something had happened with that bastard of a father of hers. His stomach felt queasy but he was sure it was just from the lack of food. Exceeding the speed limit he pulls up in her driveway seeing the shiny black Porsche thats parked in front of him. Her fathers car. 

Jumping out of the car he walks over her front lawn crushing the tulips that her mother had been growing in the flowerbed before flinging open the door. "Mercury??" His voice fills up the silent house which for the first time had an almost eery feel to it. The blinds were closed and all the lights were off except for the one in the kitchen. Walking towards the kitchen he sees mercury slumped on the kitchen floor, hair covering her face and skin pale. Her head rises at his presence but she doesn't move. He almost questions why until he steps closer and sees the lifeless body next to her in a pool of blood which seems to also be on her clothes. "Where were you?" She whispers out with glassy eyes staring back at him, he crouches down in front of her and places the lose strands behind her ear. "I was out..." he whispers back. Mercury felt a bomb tick within her as he lied to her face and stared at her with eyes full of pity, which she didn't even realise he was capable of feeling that. "Liar!!" With the little energy she has left her fist swings at his face pushing his head to the side like a slap. His cheek burnt and was painful as she stared back at him, fist still in the air shaking. 

She knew she was upset at the sitatuion, and Dean being present or not mightve not even made a difference. But she doesnt know how to exert the negative emotions that are buried deep down within her, so she slaps him and punches him, screaming out words at him that don't make sense. He lets her until she is done, where he then raises her body up and places her on the counter placing a chaste kiss on her cheek. His face had small cuts and scratches which bled slightly, it resembled hers and they both scanned eachothers faces realising how crazy they must look. "I killed him." She tells him as her fingers run through his damp hair, she looks down realising hes almost naked and smiles up at him. "My clothes were damp so..." She laughs softly as he stands between her legs, her fathers dead corpse next to his feet. Dean looks around the kitchen at the broken shards of glass and blood everywhere. "You've made quite a mess retrogade...When will your mum be home?" "In about eight hours...Shall we make some toast? You make toast and i'll get the orange juice." Dean gives her a crooked smile before rubbing her head softly and leaning off the counter to make the toast.

Placing the bread in the toaster he looks down at the dead corpse attired in an outfit that costs more than his life. "We should runaway..." He mumbles catching her attention as he passes her a slice of toast and she passes him the orange juice. "Where would we even go?" "I dont know but that's the thrill of it right? We've got plenty of money angel, we just pack our bags and drive on the open road...You and me against the big bad world." His heart was beating in his chest and she smiled widely at his words. "Okay...You, me and the devil." He smiles crookedly before finishing off his toast. 

"Let's clean up." She nods her head in agreement and grabs the cleaning equipment from under the sink placing it all on the counter. The smell of blood was beginning to fill the room so they got to work, Dean cleaning the blood off the body and around it whilst Mercury swept the glass and cleaned the sink from all its blood. A flash of her head being underwater flashed in her mind but she pushed that thought to the back of her mind as she disposed of the rubbish. Once finished and the kitchen was spotless they lifted her father's body onto the counter. "It'll be a pleasant surprise for mother when she gets home." She loops her arm through Dean's and they walk out of the front door of her house leaving the door wide open before sliding into his mustang.

"Too bad we'll be long gone."


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