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PICTURE OF MERCURY ABOVE(I edited the hair and eyes to make it look more to description)

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(I edited the hair and eyes to make it look more to description)

Mercury didn't wear makeup much. It covered her natural beauty and she preferred for people to be awed by her without the extra enhancements. Her cheeks looked extra blemished today from the conceler, her cheeks had little spots from the shards of glass that she managed to get out in the shower two weeks ago. She had taken the time to go to the extra length of shaping her already perfectly arched brows and adding a little extra length to her lashes and tint to her lips.

She sits cross legged from Violet in front of the willow tree in the middle of their school. It was four o'clock in the afternoon and school had finished an hour ago.

"How's Dean?"

Violet watched her friend nervously unsure if she should ask about the obvious reason that she was wearing makeup. It wasn't obvious for others but it was obvious enough for Violet.

"Mercury i..."
Mercury hated incomplete sentence, so in order to avoid frustration she falls onto her back and lets the grass work as a cushion.
"I have to go see my psychiatrist now. It's almost to five." They both stand up quietly and walk to Violet's car. Violet drove the familiar route to the tall building that her best friend visited every fortnight. Violet wasn't really sure about her friends mental state. She was aware that it changed a lot and often subtly deteriorated.

Mercury couldn't lie, she was upset with Violet. Her best friend hasn't visited her at her house in a month and they hadn't hung out properly for that amount of time since the party. She knew Violet knew that she hadn't been so publicly shaken since the ninth grade yet did nothing to reach out or comfort her. It made her want to push violet away and stab Nick in the chest.
"You can drop me here."

They were one block from her psychiatrists office but there was no point in sitting in silence with her friend in the car. Violet wanted to rebut, to talk things out and tell her friend to stay. But she couldn't find it within her to voice her thoughts.
Mercury begins walking the five minutes that it takes her to the office. She was in the city now which was evident with the crowds and rude people that shoved past her in which she shoved them back just as harshly. This would get her into mess one day.

Entering the 18 story building she's greeted by the receptionist who smiles her botoxed smile at the young girl who basically ignores her as she enters the lift. Walking down the familiar hall she opens the door to her psychiatrists office.


She takes a seat in front of the middle aged woman who pushes her reading glasses down the bridge of her nose. "How have you been?" Mercury frowns at the question, what was the point in fake formalities? Janet notices that her patient refused to respond to the question like every other time she had been asking it for the past year. "You look quite different today."

"I know, I look good." Mercury's eyes narrow at the observation as she tucks a strand of her silver hair behind her ear. Janet noticed that the girls confidence and ego still managed to sky rocket in comparison to the norm. Sighing to herself she removed the reading glasses and places them on her desk before pulling out the cabinet to her right with her patients name. "Been taking your medication?"

"What do you think?"
That was a question for both of them to answer as it wasn't obvious if the young girl was improving. "Well, it has been helping you Mercury. Subtly at least. I've noticed your tone is quite warmer today." And it was true, the girl barely spoke which was a good sign. Mercury's expression stayed blank at the news, not even breaking a smile at the sign of a possible hint of improvement.
Janet reaches into the cabinet and pulls out the new medication she had for the girl. She was sure it would help with mood stability which would overall improve her habits.

Mercury notices the ring on Janet's finger that hadn't been there before. "Do you want to get married one day?" The question almost threw the young girl off as she met the woman's hazel eyes. Sitting up straighter in her chair she meant her shoulders back, "no."
The woman raises a brow and prompts a question to get the young girl to talk. "Why's that?"
"Well, why would you want to get married to someone? In the end the words you ramble to eachother in those vows mean nothing. Plus, love isn't real."

Janet nods her head whilst typing these notes into her computer. She whips out a mirror and places it in front of the girl. "What do you see in this mirror?" The young girl snorts and rolls her eyes, "me, obviously."

Janet takes the mirror and points it at an angle so that she can also see Mercury's reflection. "I see a very young confused girl that boosts herself up in order to escape from whatever challenges she faces." Mercury ignores this statement and instead focuses on wrapping her hair in a low ponytail letting lose strands fall in front of her face. "Would you believe me if I told you I saw someone get killed right in front of me." Janet smiles softly at the girl knowing that she was often delusional and pulls the mirror back.

Mercury takes note of the Chanel bag that was perched next to the desk and purses her lips up. "Let's talk about your medication." The young girl couldn't understand how the woman in front of her even had the taste to pick such a nice bag with the way she was dressed. The brown blouse did nothing to compliment her black hair neither did the floral pants. "What does your husband look like?" Usually Janet didn't share information about her personal life to her patients however Mercury was the youngest and most challenging one she had. With very little progress amongst twelve months she was a case that would be tough to solve.

 Frowning to herself Janet realises Mercury has managed to dodge almost every attempt to talk about herself. By slowly and subtly cutting her down. The young girl had already stood up and shoved the prescription into her navy blue school bag. She exits the room without saying goodbye as always and presses the ground button on the lift.

She would never let someone else have control over her, no. She would not allow for Janet or anyone else to get that twisted. Plus,
it's her show. And she would conduct it as she pleased.

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