Thirty five

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Dean ran circles around Mercury's body, listening to her hum softly in delight. He had been taking care of her until her bruises and cuts healed, he had avoided the other bitch in the house. "I'm fine now you know", he sighed angrily as she shifted upwards in their bed and leant against him. "I know it's just, I don't know what to do..." The young girl smiled softly at her boyfriend, he was everything she had ever wanted and more. "I-I can't-" "of course not." She knew he wouldn't harm his mother, he was trying to get better after all. But she knew he was trying so hard to not let the monster out of its cage. But Mercury was selfish, and she wanted the beast out. She didn't want him tamed. The boy clenched and unclenched his fists as he thought about the fucked up situation. He couldn't even comprehend what had happened, and he didn't know whether he wanted to pull out the drugs in his drawer or not- especially since he was meant to be clean.

"You can hurt sometning if you want. I know you want to do that, I can sense that energy radiating off you". She whispers softly pressing kisses on his neck. "Yeah" he says shakily and she can't help but smile to herself. She really could bring the sun down to its knees. Sliding out of the cotton bedsheets she slips on the boots next to the bed. Now adorned in his t shirt and a pair of ugg boots, the young girl stands in front of him with both hands on her hips. "Why don't you then?" Dean looks up at the white haired girl, brows furrowing in confusion. The temptation was subtly there, violence was always the best option. Stepping back and pulling open the bedside table drawer, she pulls out the glock before pointing at him.

"What would you do if I shot you right now?"

The thought had crossed her mind a few times, would he fight her back? Would he let her watch him bleed? Or would he survive for her? But of course, she would never do that. Even the voices agreed with her that they could never do that to her beloved. Dean stares at the barrow of the gun, it was hard for him to even believe she had become so confident in simply holding a gun when months ago she would be shaking to the core. Lazily getting out of the bed he stretches, hands up in the air and back muscles flexing slightly before approaching her. He bends down slightly so that the front of the gun is pressed against his forehead, he looks up at her as she stares down. It made her heart flutter and beat rapidly, she was the ultimate dominus. Dean knew she liked that.

He trusted her with every fibre of his cocaine induced heart, she was the drug he would endlessly consume.

Mercury blows a soft wssp between her lips before lowing the gun and placing it in his hands. There is an intimacy within their actions as he raises up, metal cool on his rough clad hands. The feeling was ultimate bliss. She watches Dean exit the room and peers at the window facing the garden as she watches him disappear into the forest. She smiles to herself at the chaotic man that she loves so much. The smile only widens when she opens her bag and pulls out a small bottle before tucking it into her waistband.

Exiting the room and making her way down to the kitchen, Dean's mother stands there sipping her tea. The tea was earl grey and it was the one tea that Mercury hated . "Good morning," the young girl says with a smile. She wasn't happy to see the woman at all, but she was happy for other reasons. Tucking a strand of her silver hair behind her ear she looks at the woman, "Dean called you. I think he's in the office." Mercury hated how the creases developed at the side of her peach lips at the mention of her son. It was disgusting, no parent truly loved their child that much. She watched her exit the room, fighting the urge to not trip her.

Approaching the mug her hand makes her way to her waistband and slowly unscrewing the cap on the bottle. She pours two drops in as per instructed.

'Two is a bit little don't you think?'

'Why are you being gentle for that bitch?'

"Two is plenty" she hissed out at them.

'Plenty? Okay. Didn't know you were such a weak littl-'

Mercury tilted the bottle and poured half of its contents in. The smell was pungent and filled her nose. "Fuck, fuck, fuck", she grabbed an early grey tea bag and dipped it in to mask the scent of the posion. She heard footsteps descending from the stairs, glancing over at the posion on the counter she opened up a random drawer full of spices and shoved it to the back. She could feel her heart beating in her ears and she made her way shakily over to the fridge to act like she was busy grabbing herself a drink.

She heard the stupid woman enter the room and back towards where her mug was. Mercury felt the corner of her lips turn upwards. "He wasn't there, knowing him he would've went for a run." The young girl wanted to laugh and tell her how her son was out killing every living organism out in the forest. But, she didn't, and instead shut the fridge. She turned around to face the woman, the mother had decided that what had happened the other day must've been a result of her lack of sleep. Mercury and Dean had both acted as if nothing had happened, her tired frail mind was imagining the most corrupt things.

"I think we should start over again." Mercury stated, wanting nothing more than for the woman to pick up that stupid mug and drink it. "I agree, I do apologise dear." Mercury eagerly watched as she lifts the mug off the counter.

"Don't drink that." A deep voice she had never heard before fills the room, turning around she sees a tall male, his skin creamed and blonde hair buzzcutted and the darkest blackest eyes she had ever seen narrowed at her. His jaw was clenched and his hands shoved into the plaid pants that he wore. Who the hell was he?

"It's been sitting there for a while.. Let me make you a new cup."

"Leo! It's been a while. Goodness, Dean will be so happy to see you." As Leo's tall frame filled the room he made Dean's mother a new cup of tea and poured the other down the sink before washing it thoroguhly. From the way he moved around the kitchen she knew he had been here often and had a history with this family.

His eyes watch hers in the reflection of the window, within that moment Mercury knew he had seen everything.

And that made her very afraid.

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