Forty three

298 10 4

It's raining outside, and within these motel sheets Dean and Mercury's heartbeats intertwined, forming their own rhythm. His arm wrapped around her, cradling her like trees cradle leaves and her soft breaths the sound of a refreshing breeze. Within these motel sheets, the rain pouring like the sky was crying, it was almost like they weren't two psychotic people in love. It was as if they had no problems surrounding them in their world. 

Dean was wide awake now as he held the sleeping beauty against him. His mind was racing with all sorts of emotions, emotions that he hadn't felt before. He wanted to be close to her, so close that he could feel her shattering his soul, even within the intimate moment they had, it wasn't close enough. His skin was itching for her touch as he snuggled her in closer, it was if he was addicted to her. He had never felt like this before. 

And now her mother was coming to ruin everything.

Then he felt one emotion he was familiar with, anger. He wasn't sure how to let it out, was he to reason with her mother? Or perhaps kill her? Even with the love of his life pressed against him, he felt like they were falling further down the rabbit hole. He wanted to figure it out, he wanted to figure it out oh so badly. He could bring the sun to it's knees for her, he wanted to be able to spoil her, give her everything she wanted.

But Mercury was crazy, and so was he. And all they wanted was chaos within their destructive love. 

Mercury stirred slightly then before rolling over and burying her head in his neck as she began to open her eyes. "Morning", she mumbled sleepily. And he thought about it then, waking up every morning like this, with her. And that thought made his heart ache . "Why the fuck are you looking at me like that?" Her kaleidoscope eyes narrowed at him as she rolled onto her back.

Because I love you.

But Dean wasn't ready to say that yet, so he rolled his eyes and stared down at her. "Cause you look like shit", Mercury rolled her eyes at him and sat up on the bed.  She ran her fingers softly through her silver locks before feeling a sudden pang in her chest. "Mother's coming", she muttered out before locking her eyes with him. Dean sighed in response and grabbed his cigarettes from the side table. Mercury crawled over to the bed and sat on his lip, grabbing his lighter. 

"We should go do something, something fun before she ruins everything."

She lights the cigarette for him, his dark hair ruffled as he takes a sharp inhale from the cancerous stick between his rough lips. "She won't ruin everything, she won't catch us." Mercury smiled softly at his words, holding onto each syllable as if she depended on it. His heart soared as he watched her smile, but he didn't believe his own words, so he couldn't smile. He just inhaled his cigarette again. 

Mercury got off his lap and opened her bag, finding clothes to slip on. "Let's go to the beach", she says excitedly. In response the rain poured heavier, rattling against the window. She slipped on her undergarments and Dean watched her with hooded eyes as he smoked the cigarette to it's last ash. He stood up from the bed and walked over to her as she chose a bra. He took it from her fingers and slipped her into it. Fingers going round her back to do the clasps. His mouth kissed her neck softly and he let his hands stay placed on the curve of her waist. "So today's a day of doing anything we want then?" She felt his smirk against the kisses and rolled her eyes. "Perhaps", she tutted out to him triggering a deep chuckle from him. He stepped back from her and opened his bag retreating one of his hoodies. 

"It's raining, so wear this." His taller frame stood in front of her and he helped her slip on the baggy hoodie. It was big around her yet was almost as warm as his hugs and she looked up at him adoringly. He grabbed a jacket and slipped his gun into his waistband as she slipped on some pants. He put out his hand for her to hold onto and they exited the room, his keys clanking as they walked. 

They stepped outside and the rain began heaving down onto them as they ran through the rain to the car. Holding each other's hands as they refused to let go, Dean opened the door for her before rushing over to his side and they both slipped into the car together. "Still wanna go to the beach?" She nodded her head and he smiled at her, "let's get food first." He reversed out of the parking and drove with one hand, the other gripping hers tightly. The car was warm in contrast to the cold outside and she felt safe here with Dean. He parks the car and they step out, her hood up and he wraps an arm around her as they walk towards the cafe.

They step into the small cafe with only seven tables and an awkward looking store clerk. They pick a table right next to the window so they could both see the rain. She pulls the hood down and lets her silver hair escape, their hands intertwine across the table. The awkward looking waiter comes over with a notepad and gives the two a wobbly smile. "What can I get for you guys today?"

"Beans on toast" says Dean, "and orange juice" she finishes off for him. The waiter nods and walks away leaving the two love birds alone. Mercury giggles to herself softly as she looks out the window to the empty street, streetlights illuminating it softly. "What?" He questions, he's looking completely at her, not the rain or all the other shit outside, that didn't matter to him.

The waiter comes back with their food and Mercury looks at Dean, "that you and I would collide, who would've thought?" She takes a bite of her toast and Dean smiles at the thought as they eat their breakfast. He would never be able to eat beans on toast or drink orange juice without her or without thinking of her, and she was the same. Finishing their meal Mercury eagerly stands up ready for the beach, Dean slaps a twenty dollar bill on the table and they run through the rain together to his car. Mercury slides in and Dean pops his head in, "I'm just going to buy a pack of cigarettes okay?" He smiles softly at her and Mercury nods before cranking the heat up.

Dean walks back to the footpath, letting the rain pour on him. He spots the tobacconist and strolls to it, next to it is a jewellery store, looking like an off brand Tiffany's. The cigarettes could wait as the door chimed as he steps in, the store is a soft pink with rows and shelves full of shining diamonds and harmonious emeralds. Glancing breathily he sees the store assistant approach him and he groans internally. "I'm just looking", he cuts her off sharply in which she gives him a curt nod. He hated being approached, did he look like he needed her help? 

He's about to exit the store when he sees it. It almost calls out to him and hes soon stuck around its orbit as he approaches it. An amethyst perched softly on top of a silver band, the ring encrusted with the jewel's soft specks around it and he's entranced. The store assistant approaches Dean, seeing his interest in the ring. "It's beautiful isn't it?" She says softly. 

His heart was pounding in his chest as he stared at the ring, stared at the ring and thought about Mercury wearing it. He could see it on her, to him the ring would hold so much power. Enough to make them close to the extent that he wanted. It would bind them forever. He had never been more sure of something.

Fuck the cigarettes,

"I'll buy it."


unedited, yooooo there's about six more chapters left!

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