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Mercury waited till Dean had fallen asleep before removing herself from his grip and getting off the bed. It was late afternoon and she knew they'd be leaving in at least two hours. Her arms ached but the fire in her kept going as she stared at herself in the mirror.

She's going to get you, and trap you. Just like your sweet ol' father did.

"I know that already", she whispers out to the reflection who rolls her eyes at her. 

At least he's dead now right. You killed him.

She nods her head and they both smile at each other.

So, you stop her too. And everyone else.

"Right.. He's going to leave me too, isn't he?" She mumbled sadly at the reflection, her hand raised and the reflection slapped her across the face. 

Not if you rid of anyone who'll prompt that idea. 

She smiled back sadly at the reflection who once again rolled her eyes and puffed out her lips.

I can't believe you wasted time befriending his mother, such a waste...

The reflection teased her and she cracked a smile at her before retreating from the mirror. She opened the door and closed it softly behind her, making sure to not wake up her lover. She walked down the stairs, sway in her hips and the demon within her radiated confidence. She entered the kitchen and faced his mother, "thank you for your hospitality but- Dean and I are leaving tonight." The mother glanced at her wide eyed as she held her teacup, "leaving?" Mercury nodded her head quickly like a child high off candy, "forever"

The mother rolled her eyes and laughed, "darling, no you're not. Dean said he'd live here now." Her mocking tone irked Mercury and she strode over and whacked the teacup out of her hand until the porcelain shattered onto the floor. "We're leaving okay?" She grabbed the back of the woman's head, taking her by surprise she slammed her head down onto the counter. It made a loud echoing sound which Mercury took pride in. Too light headed the woman tried to stand up and grasp onto Mercury, but much to her prevail Mercury kicked the chair she was sitting on, causing her head to slam down onto the counter and join her falling body on the floor. 

Mercury raised her foot kicking her head over and over into the side of the kitchen, like a soccer player trying to get the ball into the goal. And the goal was to have her dead. The woman had little consciousness left and Mercury quickly pulled open the cabinet where the poison she had previously wanted to use was. She ran to the woman kneeling her onto her lap and opening her mouth.

"I'm sorry about your tea, but you're going to drink this now."

The woman groaned and tried to lift her body. Mercury brought her head down onto her lap cooing at her softly, rubbing her hair like a mother comforting a daughter. "It's okay." She whispered softly, she held onto the woman the way she thought a mother and daughter would embrace when one was in danger. She held onto her the way she wanted her mother to and placed a soft kiss on her head before parting her lips and trickling the poison into her mouth. 

The woman tried coughing it out but Mercury put a hand over her mouth and tilted her head back. "Swallow your drink mother." She said softly, tears forming on her cheeks. "I made it for you, do you not like it?" It was evident to the woman that Mercury was truly crazed as she swallowed the poison, he last bit of her consciousness feeling bad for the girl. The woman head slipped from Mercury's grip, just like that,

Dean's mother was now dead. 

Footsteps were heard entering the room as Mercury stood up. Leo stood facing her taking in the scene- he couldn't believe she had succeeded- and he wasn't there to stop it. Looking back at Mercury who now gripped onto a knife his eyes widened. "Mercury..." he breathed out softly taking a step towards the crazed girl who was now hyper-alert. "Just...just put the knife down okay?" Leo didn't know whether he was scared of the girl or angry at her, his emotions hadn't been truly processed. But Leo could see it now, the flash of devil in her eyes that he saw upon first meeting her had been unleashed, and that was more than present as she took a step towards him. 

Taking his chances he swung his leg out, tripping the girl and picking up the knife that had fallen. Mercury's eyes widened and she quickly ran to get another knife but was soon pressed up against the counter. The counter dug harshly into her ribcage and Leo kept her there breathing deeply.

"What the fuck? You killed her? You were about to kill me? Jesus, you-re crazier than I first-" Leo was going on a panicked rant as Mercury's heartbeat accelerated rapidly in her chest.

You're going to die now you stupid whore.

Mercury felt her succumb to defeat but said nothing as Leo continued to rant. "You're seriously fucked up. You need help. I can help you Mercury, we can get you help. This doesn't nee-"

"let go of her." Leo turned his head around to see Dean standing there, dark locks disshelved and a gun in his hand. Leo could see it, Mercury could feel it- the demon in Dean had been released. "You fucking let her go right now, or so help me god-"

"Dean man- she just killed your mum, she was-" 

Dean looked down at his mothers slumped form and back at Leo. Dean was numb to it all, he almost laughs at this- it wasn't like it was the first time for him to see one of his parents dead. 

"You're still touching her." Dean hissed out at him, Leo retreated from Mercury who winced in pain, "you hurt her? you fucking hurt her?" Dean pressed the barrel off the gun against Leo's head, Dean moved like a flash of lightning and twisted the knife out of his hand, he was ready to strike. 

Dean looks over at Mercury.

His beautiful personal hell.

"Did he hurt you?" Mercury nodded her head and that was all the confirmation Dean needed. He didn't even care anymore, he was about to shoot Leo's brains out. Mercury neared the two, staying on Dean's side. "Tell me, tell me to do it." He begged her.

Mercury smiled coyly, she stood on her tip toes and whispered in his ear, loud enough for Leo to hear.

"Shoot him."

And so Dean did. And just like that,

the two demons from hell were finally released.


damn wild chapter lol. it's only getting wilder from here really. Hope you guys enjoyed.

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