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Mercury could feel herself starting to depend on Dean. She was clinging onto him like a leech and she wasn't sure if he was aware of it- if she was even aware of it. Her back hurt like hell as she groggily turned to face him, to find that her leg was draped over his and he had one arm tucked under his head and the other wrapped around her hip. She wasn't sure how they had ended up in this position, she noticed that Dean still had a few specks of blood on his shirt from the previous incident. He was still a puzzle that she had to figure out and she found her mind racing at the thought of getting to know a boy she had previously hated.

At that moment Dean's eyes flash open to meet her kaleidoscopes that weren't too far from his. Quickly taking note of the situation he removed his arm and rolls her onto her back harshly so that they were an arms distance apart. His neck hurt like hell and he couldn't feel his left arm as he sat up. His dark locks stuck up slightly from the slight ruffling around and his shirt stank like shit. He needed to get out of here. Their eyes meet as Mercury props herself up on her elbow, eyes narrowed waiting for his next move. She wasn't expecting them to cuddle, or a good morning, she wasn't even sure as to how she felt about him completely.

Dean stands up briskly and locks his eyes on his hoodie that she wore baggily on her small frame. It made him frown and clench his fists as he walked out the front door. His hands pat his pockets down before retrieving a dart and flinging himself into the drivers seat of his car. The clock of his car read quater past eight in the morning and he fumbled around looking for a lighter.

Mercury shut her eyes feeling her chest pang in some form of rejection before sitting up completely. She didn't even frown, she was numb, she was used to it. She makes her way up the stairs to her room for some much needed sleep, unfortunately she couldn't relish in the cliche of sleeping comfortably in a boys arms. Opening her drawer she pulls out the capsules of xans to help put her to sleep. The oak door to the room suddenly flung open hitting the wall and before the young girl could even blink she was being pulled up by her hair.

"What were you up to last night", her father hissed at her. Although his eyes were a dark shade of brown she could see the fury and violence raging within them. It wasn't one she liked. "I-" tears pick her eyes as her body was thrown against the wall to her window. The sound causing the air to be pushed harshly out of her as she clutches her chest. The slightly aged man, who truthfully wasn't much taller than her and only stood at 5'8 towered over her cowering form. The white haired girl couldn't form words as she clenched her eyes, she knew this wasn't a dream. Although she hoped it was one, this girls wishes never came true.

She only now just saw the empty bourbon bottle that the devil clutched in his hand, revealing it like a broken token from the richest of treasures. "My bourbon." He begins, shaking his head with a frown as if he's disappointed in her. It almost looked empathetic, it almost fooled her into thinking things were okay. But she was smarter than this. "All finished, by your tainted bewitched little hands."
She tried shaking her head, not in denial but because that was the only action she could do without feeling pain. The bottle was smashed on the wall next to her head, the shards of glass pricking her cheek as small dots of blood begin oozing out.

It pained her soft porcelain skin like a canvas, like fresh wet paint waiting to cover the canvas that is her. "I should smash your head open with this." He then glances at his watch retreating back from her with a small smile. "However, I am late for work." He turns around before observing the dent in the wall and huffing as if she caused it. Pulling the door closed but pausing slightly he glanced at her, "don't forget you have tutoring tomorrow at four, don't be late". And with that the door closed, trapping the frozen girl in with her demons.

Dean watched as the aged man got into his car and drove away, before glancing back at the window where Mercury stood. He had seen it all. After going into the car he realised he had forgotten his lighter yet was in the perfect view of the scene that had just been performed before him. He watches as Mercury crumbles to the floor, he knew the girl who stood on the throne had been dethroned in this moment, that in her room she was shaking and crying. Tears coated with blood like red crimson wine trickling down here soft cheeks to the hollowness of her collarbones.

His hands were cold against the cigarette that he was struggling to balance between his fingers. His white shirt did nothing to keep him warm as the hoodie he previously wore was the only comfort a broken girl in the house had. The tip of his nose was red but he wasn't sure if he could feel the cold nipping at his skin. Suddenly he was a nine year old boy standing in the living room of his upper class home.

White pristine leather couches placed in front of the fire that was providing warmth to the four walls. Hands shaking knees buckling with the gleam or silver in his hand. Mother standing in front of the couch with her eyes wide with his father sipping wine in his favourite navy blue polo shirt. That screeching deafening sound that filled everyone's ears as the trigger had been pulled- a young boy in a difficult situation. A young boy in a difficult situation who had made the wrong decision.

He drops the cigarette and glances at the window one more time before retreating back to his car. Sometimes it was better for him to mind his own business. After all, he didn't really care.

In a room where there was silence is now sound, within these four walls she allows her tears to drown her,

in a crimson red sea.

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