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Mercury sat across from Dean

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Mercury sat across from Dean. His ring clad finger held onto the piece of toast that was covered in baked beans, orange juice in front of the plate. Dean wanted to bring up what he saw that night- but he couldn't find it within him to. He was afraid that he cared for her. Much like how Mercury wanted to ask him why he left like that, and why he didn't talk to her for two weeks.

"Why am I here?"

He says nothing and takes another bite from his toast as she sips her juice. It was three in the morning and neither of them were really sure about what they were doing here. She was still in her pajamas and he was adorned in his usual all black clothing. He finishes his toast and she leaves the crust on her plate. "How often do you take your meds?" She looks up from her plate and meets his dull eyes. "What?"

"I said, how-"
"I know what you said."

He places his pack of cigarettes on the table and fiddles in his pocket for a lighter. "Have you ever thought about just stopping?" The waitress makes her way over and clears their table, watching the rising tension between the two she says nothing and scurries away. "Not really," she shrugs and tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Are you on meds?"

He didn't answer her question, he never answered any of her questions. Instead he places the cigarette between his lips and places a twenty dollar bill on the table. "Try it. For a week..." "why?" He licks his dry lips as he stares back at the beauty in front of him. "Don't you want a taste of what it's like to let loose?"

He stands up then and sticks a hand out to her, suddenly her hands feel clammy but she places her small one on top of his as he pulls her out of the booth and through the doors. "Fuck," he mummers out to himself as he bites his lip. He could feel the craving running through his bones and was finding that holding her hand wasn't a distraction to the want shaking his bones. Hurriedly they slide into his car as he turns the ignition on, not even putting a seatbelt on he places a hand behind her passenger seat as he reversed out of the parking spot.

Mercury rolls her window down and let's her fingers dance in the wind as the lights around her went in a blur. They both knew he was going too fast, amber lights turned red and horns and beeps resonated through the air from left and right but Dean was too far gone. They pulled up in front of his apartment building, half the car parked on the curb he ushered both of them out of the car. She found herself sitting on his bed, her weight was so light it barely caused a dip in the bed. He was pulling open his side drawers and fumbling in order to find the box full of what he needed. Finally, he pulled out a leather box. It looked slightly old and worn but was still in tact.

The bed dipped as he took a seat next to her and she let her fingers delicately trace the outside of the box. Lifting up the hatchet presented to her were little bits and pieces of substances that she didn't know. Dean opened up a ziplock bag full of little capsules full of brown. She realised just how close they were, she could see the twinkle in his irises and the freckles on his nose, their foreheads could just softly bump eachother if she moved in any closer. He takes a cap and places it softly on his tongue, showing her and retreating it back in his mouth slowly. "What is that?"

His lips quirk to the side before he turns his body to face her. "Molly?"

"A drug", he spits out his patience running thin. She chews her lip softly as she watches his fingers reach into the bag to grab another one. Her fingers wrap around his wrist,"I don't know if I should."

His eyes narrow on hers like she spoke simlish.
"What? Why the fuck not."
He sighs heavily feeling the moment beginning to discipitate. "Maybe you should g-"
Before he could finish his sentence she had lifted up his wrist with his fingers holding the cap and placed it on her tongue. For some reason she had the urge to please him- to not chicken out. Appearing weak was sometning she had always hated and she wasn't about to succumb to that in front of him.

They exited his room, hand in hand because Mercury said she was scared she would start flying or something. And headed down to his car, they both knew that he shouldn't be driving, but dean couldn't feel it kicking in. "Life is made to be feeling like you're on the edge", is what he whispers to her as the car begins accelerating in the opposite direction. His hand that's on the gear shift was the only sense of control he had currently and Mercury was trying to find a comfortable position within the seat. They stop somewhere and Dean rushes to the side of her door and pulls her out causing her to not so graciously stumble out. Her head bangs against the side of the car door and she groans out painfully.

Dean's eyes began to frantically search her, his heart eating increasing and eyes dilating. "Hey, hey. You're okay, you're okay you're okay". She covers her ears and stared at him confusedly, ears ringing at frequencies they had never felt. They cross the street with a large smile playing on her lips to find that they're at the fair. Hand in hand, sweat on sweat and skin on skin they make their way through the crowds. The lights seemed brighter than usual and almost seemed to blind Mercury like a bright supernova and her surrounds seemed deluded. Cartoonish almost. She feels hands on her hips and her body being hoisted.

She was flying, like a fairy in the air and she was going up and up until she felt something solid. Almost solid. It wasn't a chair and it had a dipped made for where she sat on it. There was a tap on her shoulder and she found her hands gripping whatever was in front of her. "Horse," Dean said, his expression unreadable. He was unreadable. Was he even Dean?

She felt the horse beneath her beginning to move like a merry go round except it was moving up and down. She let her head fall back and she's shut, hands gripping the pole and giggles erupting from her. Opening her eyes led her into a rainbow of colours. She was dancing right on the colour spectrum, yellows and reds and the buzzing frequency in her ear becoming higher and higher til-

She felt herself being hoisted up, "I'm turning into jelly..." she mumbles out beginning to feel her knees buckle. Her eyes squint as she tries hard to focus on the person holding her. Dean stared down at her hazily watching her crosseyed eyes, he tried to move fast through the crowd but he found that he could barely walk straight and instead had walked around the same ride five times. He began walking the opposite direction till they were just on the outskirts of the fair and he propped her against the barbed fence. She opened and closed her mouth like a gaping fish, failing to decipher the words she wanted to say. "Stay...I'll..." he pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to remember what he was going to say. "Shit- water and food. Stay."

Dean began retreating from her but quickly turned around to make sure she was still there, her head was rolled to the side as she dazedly watched him and it brought a smile to his face. He did that. Approaching what seemed like a stall her faced the vendor who possibly narrowed their eyes at him suspiciously, they weren't sure. "I-I'll have..." but he couldn't understand what any of the things were. He pointed at what seemed yellow and out his finger out in the number two. Fumbling through his pocket for loose change he exchanged it for what seemed to be corn before going back to Mercury. All he could do is hope he was going the right way.

The sight that greeted him caused his body to go into alert mode. Mercury sat with her head tilted back as a boy caressed her thigh, whispering into her ear and she smiled softly and ran her fingers through his hair. Dean stopped in front of them, dropping the corn on the ground onto them both. They both looked up, the random boy widening his eyes and Mercury looking still out of it. "Hey man what's up? Could you give us some space?" The boy narrowed his eyes at Dean who presented him with a bored expression. He nodded his head taking a step back, the random boy looking triumphant.

Taking advantage that nobody was around Dean lifted the boy by his neck and stabbed the sharp end of the corn stick through his neck. Shaking in his grip blood begin sputtering out of the mouth and the side of the neck as he wedged it in further and further, each corn kernel falling to the ground until the boy joined him. Mercury picked up the other corn stick and raised it to her mouth. Wiping his hands on his jeans Dean sighed heavily to himself before glancing over to Mercury.

"Thanks for the corn."

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