Twenty eight

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Dean had one hand loosely holding the steering wheel and the other locked in Mercury's hand as her head leant against the window. He had his window rolled down and tame impala playing on a CD. He had been driving for seven hours straight and he could feel his eyes begin to sting a little. He didn't know where he was driving to, or where they would go. He had recieved a message from his mother expecting him to arrive by the end of the day to commerate all the shit things that happened in the past. He didn't want to go, he liked the idea of driving aimlessly along an open road through multiple towns with his angel next to him.

Something about her shiny hair and narrowed eyes and a frown that would sometimes on the rare occasion turn into a smiley face- made him want to be a better person. Whatever the fuck that meant, Dean didn't even know what that meant to him. But he did know that it would probably mean quitting drugs, if he'd done it before he could do it again. He could start taking his medication, the police didn't seem to be in their radar at the moment so perhaps this was the perfect time to sort shit out. He wants to be someone that she wants.

He squeezes her hand before exhaling and flicking on the air con to blast some cool air in his face. Narrowing his eyes in he sees the ocean up ahead which would be the perfect spot to pull over. It would allow him to rest, and nothing felt more surreal than waking up at a beach with Mercury by his side. And now the boy could tell that he was completely and utterly whipped as he drove off the motorway in the direction of the isolated beach. The car stopped just before the sand on a grassy pit and he turned it off leaning both their seats back to make themselves more comfortable. Stretching his hand to the backseat he draped her in one of his jackets and adjusted her head so she wouldn't complain of a sore neck in the morning. Shutting his eyes he allows for the sound of the waves to take him away.

It felt surreal for these two to be together. Like two planets that had been lost in space finally finding themselves trapped in each others orbits, at first collisions and arguments to then follow eachother in harmony. Both their hearts unknowingly began beating in sync as they lay next to eachother, an unspoken rhythm between the two. Upon the beach the sky changed as the sun began to rise, orange hues and the glimpse of dark blue disappearing into the sky. Mercury groaned slightly and twisted her neck to find Dean's face close to hers. His eyelashes were so long she hadn't even realised they kissed his cheekbones and the small freckles looking like a mass of constellations were tattered on his cheeks. Leaning over the console she flicks the switch for the roof of the mustang to go down. The smell of the ocean breeze filled her nose as she placed his jacket at the back. She turned the radio off for the noises of the waves crashing against the shore softly were enough to resonate with her more than music could. Dean stirred slightly yawning turning his head to face hers. A crooked smile fell on his lips as her kaleidoscope eyes met his. "Hey", he whispers softly, almost like he's awestruck by her. A small smile paints her lips as she faces him , "hi." He sits up slightly before pulling her effortlessly into his lap, her back facing him as his fingers twirl strands of her silver hair around her finger. They watch the sunrise together quietly as he traces pictures and patterns on her thighs, the warmth from his touch filling up her insides.

When the warm and bright rays of The sun reflect against the sand she leans her head back on his shoulder to face him. "Shall we go for a dip in the ocean?" She asks although they both know it's her way of demanding. Spinning her around in his lap he pulls up the hem of her shirt as her arms raise above her head. His eyes trail her figure astonished by her beauty, he liked her the way she was. Even with the cute and burns on her stomach or the outline of her ribcage, she was fucking beautiful. Her chest rose up and down as she watched him analyse her, she adjusts the pink strap of her bra before climbing off him and out of the car to shimmey her pants off. Following in suit he follows her quickly taking off his pants and bolting down the sand leaving her behind.

"Wait!!!" She yells out as she begins to follow him. As he approached the water he feels her jump on his back and wrap her arms around him, it made both their hearts flutter. "I still win" he chortles out to her as she jumps off his back into the water. The water was icy against her skin but the warmth of Deans hand pressing against her waist got rid of all the cold. He bends down to press his lips against hers softly as she stares up at him. He then dives into the water disappearing and leaving her rolling her eyes as he scares her from below. The two then flop onto the sand and let the sun kiss their skin.

"We could stay here, like this...forever, just you and I you know?" She says softly as she stares up at the clouds. "Yeah retrograde, I know.."

"It could be like moonrise kingdom!" She smiles softly as she stands up looking around for a place they could make a hut. "We aren't living in the beach Mercury... I was thinking we could go to my mums for a bit... get some money settle down a bit sort some things out. Sort us out... I want to become clean again and we have enough money and we just need the police off our back for a little longer I- this might not be the safest spot."

Mercury wasn't happy about this answer at all. This wasn't the fairy tail she had pictured in mind, why did they have to sober up? The thrill of it was the risk, the adventure...

"But we could be like Peter Pan and Wendy", he looks at her sadly as his fingers clutch hers.

"Except we all grow up" he whispers.

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