Forty Seven

546 22 34


"Dean please, this isn't funny..."

Patient 107, Elizabeth Forster.

"It's Mercury! Fuck!" She screamed out to the intercom in her room, banging her fist on the wall.

The door slid open with a clunky slide and a woman came in with the usual tray of her medication, food, and water. On the opposite side stood her mother who came to visit once a week for the past three months to see her progression. Upon finding Mercury cradled against Dean at the beach, all secrets had been revealed.

"Your husband is dead you bitch"

Mercury watched with beady eyes at the woman placing the food on her side table. The table which was now drilled into the wall in a shelf like manner had been replaced seven times since her arrival. Originally it was a cream coloured wooden table placed near her bed with a cactus on it. Upon her arrival they had made the mistake of addressing her as the name her past father had given her, Elizabeth. A name that was most ordinary , normal, what they wished she was.

That was their first mistake.

She peered down at the food before looking next to her, "do you like it?"

This had become a common occurrence for Mercury upon Dean's death. Her mother frowned from outside where she obsevered and the nurse let out an inaudible sigh. "He said you've watered down our orange juice", she whispers out harshly, one hand gripping her bed while her right hand remained relaxed, enclosed in her lovers hold.

"Mercury dear, he's gone. He's not there with you, you need to understand that".

The nurse trying her best to be patient picked up the glass glancing at it slightly, she placed it down before trying to give the girl a warm smile, "It looks fin-" the now frail silver haired girl stood up erratically. She pushed the tray onto the ground before bolting towards the door as a means to escape.

'You should run', he whispers in her ear, she nods at him before using all her energy to bolt. She only makes it as far as exiting the room before she's pulled back in the room, she hears him sigh loudly and she frowns at the thought of disappointing him again. She felt a hand touch the ring on her finger before she sharply withdrew her arm and entered the room.

"I want to fucking marry you"

She sat on her bed and quietly listened to the nurse cleaning the food. She tried to look out the window but the bars prevented her from getting an ounce of light in, she wanted to free fall again, she tried to, but she couldn't.

She snuggled in closer to his embrace as she laid on her bed.

"Elizabeth Forster has been proven guilty for grand theft, assaultation, drug usage, arson, and several murders. Upon the death of her partner in crime and examined mental instability, she shall be placed under severe rehabilitation until further notice"

She has been ripped open and found unsightly.

"I'm all roots and burn Mom, I'm burning Mom, I'm burning Mom, I'm burning."

She was angry at him for leaving her,

angry for disappearing without a proper goodbye.

There wasn't meant to be a proper goodbye, the beach was their moonrise kingdom, their kingdom on the moon and their own godly combination of a supernova and nebula taking place all at once.

Mercury who briefly felt alive, now that her body is both dead and alive. Like a flower who bloomed too soon in the blight of winter, she was trying to disappear. Something's died in her... It took a long time for it to do it, but it's dead. Life killed something, just like you'd took an axe to it. Everything is dirt now.

She is debris, broken meteorite, havoc and chaos.

She is a ghost of a shell and cannot recognise the reflection that stares her crooked soul in the face. Mercury was falling apart at the seams rapidly. The jaw coming unhinged - a wide opening for the eruptions, the screams the terrors that erupted through her body, both nurses, her mother, the doctors holding her down. Seven generations of limitless iterations of trauma - rising to surface. Our infinite expressions of perspectives birthing through this portal mouth; revolutions wrap around tongues as we vocalise, and wrap language around visceral internal quakes of change. The world unleashes dormant words - a levee caves and the dam wall breaks, the built up pressure demands to open the gates.Before her eyes her head is underwater, she can feel her fathers head pushing it down,

"You are not normal"

She cannot breathe as her head falls deeper and deeper, she is choking spluttering and all they do is watch as the young girl struggles to breathe. Hands and fingers clasping at her throat, scratching, pulling, peeling her skin.

No turning back now, through is the only escape. A primal scream - all mouths agape. A collective roar so raw that it's too loud for some to hear; Do not despair that it is not felt in their hearts and falls not on their ears - they went deaf from the noise they kept inside their own souls for far too many years.

She is there is there suddenly, Deans fingers run through her hair, painting her white canvas in a crimson red, it reeks and it splats everywhere on her like paint, the blood coats her before she can feel it seeping through her skin, getting into her insides.

Jaws unhinged; wildly yelling their rage and passion and love and hurt into the face of the stars - and the night is quiet and the sound, it resounds. It resounds.

The world is still, not a whisper, not a bang.


Her surroundings blurred like a spinning colour palette, distorted, distorted, blurred and blurred. Suddenly she had ran out of the ward, she was on the grass and her fingers were digging and digging through the soil grasping and shovelling furiously. Insanity consumed her whole, the white haired girl who was entering a retrograde unbeknownst to her.

Now she is lost in alternatives unknown of what could have been

From the heaven of together, to the earth of alone.

For Mercury would soon go home ,

to the stars.


I hope this chapter was slightly confusing to read, It should be like that. Although this was in third person it was chaotic to show the destruction and downfall of Mercury. The italics show the voices and flashbacks shes hearing as she struggles to flick through multiple different realities before she ends up in the ward, outside, and nowhere.

thank you to all of you who read this story! Please vote and leave any comments. I'm going to be thoroughly editing this story , it'll still be same plot just more detail e.g

Dean's in depth detail of drug addiction and phases to depict it better

More insight into Mercury's mind and influence of surrounding environments

Relationship with violet and her mother

Dean's relationship with Mercury.

I'm happy with how this story turned out, the plot was always for them to start as enemies , fall in love and a sad ending. They were never destined for a positive ending for it was always doomed in the beginning. Their relationship was toxic and shouldn't be idealised.

Mercury would inflict her fathers abusive ways onto Dean through social neglect, violence, dependency, emotional manipulation, and encouragement of drug consumption. Much like Dean would carry out his drug addiction with no intention to stopping, lied multiple times, robbed, impacted Mercury's morals, etc.

Also might make a backstory for Dean to explore his character a bit more and show how he became who he is, but sorry not backstory for violet haha, let me know if u want one for Dean though!

I'll make a proper playlist but I hope you guys enjoyed this story, it will be new and improved soon though once I sort out college! Thanks guys,

- Rose

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