Thirty Six

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Mercury's mother sits on the pristine white leather couch, a glass of the sweetest most perfectly red wine balances between her slender fingers. The detective sit across from her, the woman was a beauty. A long slender leg placed on top of the other and her velvet rose floating on her skin. It had been a week since she had started meeting with the detective and police in regards to the disappearance of her husband and daughter.

A small part of her feared that something terrible had happened to her husband, she knew Mercury would be fine. She always was.

"It has been at least two weeks since the disappearance of your daughter. We've interviewed her friends although it didn't seem she had many besides someone called-" the detective rummages through his papers before clearing his throat and continuing, "- a girl called Violet." The woman scoffs and rolls her eyes, "yes, I know that already. She'll be fine she's probably off on another one of her adventures. Heaven's knows I should've sent her to her psych more often..." She mutters the last part to herself before sipping her wine. It was a bother that these men kept repeating the same information and were taking things a step at a time.

"Violet told us about a young boy your daughter spent a lot of time with? Someone by the name of Dean..." The woman's eyebrows perk up at this newfound information, she knew her daughter caught the attention of many boys but she hadn't spotted any. Then again, she isn't very involved in her daughters life.

"So you think this boy has something to do with the disappearance of my husband?"

The detective and chief police exchange looks at the woman's absurd behaviour. Mercury's mother knew she had to find her husband before the issue escalated. A part of her deep deep down presumed that her daughter could-or is possibly dead. Her daughter was unstable as it is but her husbands presence provided her stability. Even if his hits and harsh words affected her, it felt like nothing more than a kiss.

"He may have to do with both of their disappearances... We haven't been able to find details about his whereabouts or family yet, but hopefully the next time we meet we would have obtained more information. We understand how har-"

The woman stood up, her movement cutting them off and opened the front door gesturing for them to leave. "Thank you gentlemen, until next time." The men cleared their throats awkwardly and stood up, exiting the prestigous home. Slamming the door shut the middle aged woman leant against the door breathing heavily. Her mind began racing and the lack of stability and conrol was slowing starting to eat its way inside of her. "Get a grip of yourself." She whispered harshily to herself. Leaning off the door she strode her way hurridly to her bedroom, her husband's 40karat gold watch still on the bedside table. She slipped it on her dainty wrist and began to adorn herself in clothes that screamed wealth. She slipped on her loubiton heels and strode out of the house and slipped into her car.

She was going to Violet's house and she was going to get answers even if she had to scare it out of her. Speeding down the streets the radio off, she had known Violet since she was young, with Violet being the only girl that her deranged daughter stuck around with. She parked outside of Violet's house, she acknowledged the wealth they had, otherwise there was no way she would have let Mercury befriend her.

Knocking harshly on the door she waited impaitently, arms crossed. Much like her daughter, she hated waiting and began to tap her foot on the ground impaitently. The door creeked open and Violet stood with a look of surprise present on her face. "Hello Dear," the corners of her lips creased against her red lipstick and Violet stepped aside to let her in. "What brings you here?"

The mother rolled her eyes as Violet led her to the living room that she had been in so many times. "My daughter of course, where is she?" She cut straight to the point not wanting to waste time. Violet evidently sighed wanting nothing more but to leave the room. "I don't kno-", "dear, you're her best friend. Of course you know." Violet observed how the woman's coffin shaped nails were digging into the armchair, a trait that Mercury did whenevr she was stressed. "We kind of fell out some time ago, I haven't spoken to her in a while. She's probably ran away with Dean-her boyfriend." The woman wanted to scoff, what was it about this Dean guy that made her daughter stupider than usual? "Okay then, where is he? That's unfortunate that you fell out Dear, I know you were best friends."

Violet never liked Mercury's mother. She could see through her fakeness and knew she was part of the way her best friend is the way she is. "I don't know, Dean hates me. He's probably taken her somewhere."

"Okay, where does he live?"

"I don't know."

"So he's homeless?"

"No- he lives with my boyfriend but he hasn't been there." The woman was about to scream and could feel her paitence running thin. "How on earth does nobody know where he is?"

"I can help you..."
Both women turn around to face Jake who had just entered the room. He had heard the whole conversation, it was loud enough to wake him up from his sleep in Violet's room down the hall. Violet made eye contact with Nick, almost to ask him what the hell he was doing. "I can give you his mother's address."

And finally, everything was starting to fall together.


wow double update. totally unedited

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