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Mercury and Dean had driven the hour drive to the familiar beach again

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Mercury and Dean had driven the hour drive to the familiar beach again. It was two in the morning and they both sat on the hood of his car, Dean clutching a bottle of bourbon tightly in his grasp. Within his unsober state, he was trying to decipher if this was a good idea or not to teach Mercury how to use a gun.

Was there really a point?

Then again, he decided that there isn't really a point in anything. They both hadn't said a word to each other, Mercury was fixated on the stars, beginning to count them. He took a swig allowing it to trickle down his throat, it didn't burn anymore- it was like water for him. "Are we just going to sit here then?" She bit out, although in reality- she didn't mind sitting here. It was kind of nice, it was resonating for her. There were no texts from her parents, no phone calls which meant they had forgotten about her again. She wasn't sure if she cared.


So they jumped off his hood and began walking parallel to the beach towards a small forest of some sort. The smooth metal was tucked into the waistband of his jeans with a packet of Marlboro's in the pocket on top of it. He would teach her, truthfully she intrigued him and it possibly may be because of the twinkle of crazy that reflected in her eyes- fuck he sounded like he was hallucinating now. They began making their way through the forest, a branch had cut open her sleeve and opened her skin but the sensation was too familiar for her to care. There was a huge lump in her throat, for the first time in a while she was nervous.

They stood in a clearing with the trees surrounding them, they both almost blended in with the darkness that surrounded them. The flickering of his lighter caused a soft glow as he bent down to light a spliff- he didn't want to be sober for this. He exhaled sharply before pulling the glock out of his waistband, "fuck..." The cool silver clung to the palm of his hand almost mesmerising him as he stared down at it. Mercury stood watching him admire the gun like it was some piece of gold, she concluded that he was fucked in the head and snatched it off him. He glowered at her wanting to tell her off- but he was too clouded in the head to fully comprehend what she had just done.

"Should I have a strong stance?"


Mercury demonstrated what she meant by parting her legs slightly and tilting her head back, lazily he chuckled whilst looking at the girl. She held the gun forward with two hands and tried to look confident even though her fingers were shaking and cramping up. "Are you trying to shit yourself?" He inhales again before softly approaching her, he holds the spliff in front of her. "Relax, love", she did relax, it was like that pet name triggered something inside of her. "Get that shit out of my face" she almost flicked the spliff but decided it'd be wise not to set him off with a gun around. She relaxes her shoulders and holds onto the gun with one hand, "you see that bird on that tree?" A crow stared at them as it sat softly on a branch a few metres away from her. "Shoot it."

Mercury was really about to shit herself now, she had never killed let alone shot something before. "Look at the bird and raise your gun to point at it", shakily she raises her arm, shutting one eye to make sure she was aiming properly. Dean stood behind her watching her movements carefully, he frowned at the sight of her hand shaking. "Stop fucking shaking" he hissed, smoky breathe fanning her neck. Her hairs stood up and inhaling sharply she regained control of her arm.

"Pull the trigger."

And she did, her finger locked around and reeled it back

but nothing came out.

"What the fuck?" She hissed out pulling the trigger again, behind her Dean's shoulders were beginning to shake as he contained his laughter. "Your guns broken!" She exclaims exparestedly, she couldn't believe it was four in the morning and she had waited and waited just for the stupid thing to not work. She turned around to Dean who began to burst into fits of laughter. She watched as his white pearls shone and his face creased up to form two dimples and he threw his head back.

She didn't think it was even possible for him to not grimace, to show emotion, let alone laugh.

Dean stopped his laughing to look at the glowering girl, causing a lazy smile to play on his lips. "Hey sweetheart, your safety lock was still on." She looks down at the gun to see that indeed it had the safety lock on. She wish she could snap the stupid gun in half, either that or shoot him straight in the head.

"You're bleeding", he approaches her before peering down at her shirt.The blood had started to seep through other parts of her shirt and the sticky substance made her squirmish. Their eyes locked with each others under the moonlight and he noticed how her silver hair seemed to glow in this light. Glowing and shining bright like a star in the sky. He pulls his shirt over his head and passes it to her, it is also black. Wordlessley he turns around to pick up the gun she had dropped whilst she exchanges the shirts. She uses her shirt to soak up the left over blood until it looked like it wouldn't bleed anymore.

Dean looked devilish dangerous, gun in hand and dark locks falling in front of his face a drunken grin planted on his face. She hears the unclicking of the safety lock to see him point the gun at the crow.


The sound of the bullet echoes through the entire forest , it was so much more different to the sound they had heard in the alley. This was a sound that was almost music to his ears and a sound she was curious of. Before she could speak Dean takes off running through the forest with a gleam in his eyes. The adrenaline had kicked in and nothing had ever fit in his hand so perfectly before. He allows the wind to run through his hair as his head falls back and a laugh escapes his lips. He shoots a bullet through each of the six trees facing him, a grin on his lips as the smoke burns out. Mercury watches from a distance, he was shooting bullets without a care without missing a shot. Six trees and four birds until all the bullets were done. It was like heroine running through his veins, and he was craving another fix.

Dean walks over to the dead bird before snapping one of a lifeless wings off, eyeing the masterpiece he had created. She realised now that the boy was off living in a dream, his psychopathic nature had presented itself and as he turns to face her with his emerald eyes twinkling brighter than moonlight,

She wondered as to what ending the stars would lead her to.

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