20. Ever after

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One year later.

It’s been a year since Daniel I started dating. A lot has happened, so let me brief the year for you:

1) When we went to my house last Christmas, my brothers lectured me for hours for being irresponsible and blah blah blah. But in the end, everything got okay.

2) After that, I celebrated Christmas with my family and had fun. I still missed my parents, Daniel said, to imagine them with me, and it helped the feelings. Kind of.

I know they wouldn’t want me to miss all the fun and family time. Christmas used to be our favorite festival and I want to enjoy it with my family.

3) Caleb and Olivia got married after a month saying they couldn’t wait for the next Christmas to get married. Now they have two-month-old baby Carter.

4) Alice and Tom are still dating. Lillian and I became good friends. She still calls me Mrs. Grinch, but whatever.

5) Owen completed college and lived in my apartment. He also got a dog named Milo, saying he needed one more than a girlfriend.

6) Mini fall in love with Milo but he kept ignoring her and now she stalks him on Owens Instagram.

Now she’ll know how I felt.

7) As for me, I moved with Daniel to NYC. He asked me to move in with him after almost four months of us dating.

Honestly, it was really hard for me to do a long-distance relationship with him. So I said yes to the moment he asked me.

8) This year, we were at his house celebrating Christmas with his and my family. I apologized to his parents for running away from their house when I was a kid. They just laughed it off, saying it’s a funny story to tell their grandchildren.

Speaking of grandchildren, I was sitting in the living room with Daniel’s arms wrapped around me from behind. Lillian riding the tricycle she got as a gift, with Milo running behind her and Mini behind Milo.

Guess we both got the game destiny. To chase boys until they give in.

I watched everyone exchanging gifts, laughing, and happy vibes all around, but I was internally freaking out.

Why? I’ll tell you.

I’ve been feeling sick for the past weeks and it’s been two months since I didn’t get my periods. Wanna guess what might have happened?

Ding ding ding.

You are correct.

I finally took the courage and took a pregnancy test. I used three different brands to make sure I get the right result, and they all were positive.

Daniel and I never talked about kids and weddings. I mean, why we would, it’s been just a year.

“What are you thinking?” Daniel asked. His lips on my ears, sending goosebumps in my body.

I cleared my throat, sitting up straight. “Nothing.”

I didn’t get the chance to tell him. I have no idea how.

“This is for you, Tori.” My grandparents said, giving me a box. “It belonged to your mother.” I opened the box and gasped after seeing a beautiful dress.

“This is your mother’s wedding dress. She always wanted to give it to you.” My grandma said with a sad smile.

I stared at the dress. “It’s beautiful,” I whispered.

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