2. Prince to the rescue

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Because of my airbag, we didn’t hit our heads and survived, but my entire body ached like bit*h.

It wasn’t our time to die, yet.

Due to the impact of the collision, all the snow from the trees fell on my car. My car’s engine was still working but I couldn’t move it. The wheels were stuck in the snow. I tried, again and again, to get my car out of the stupid snow, but nothing worked. I thought of calling someone to help, but there weren’t any signals.

F**king great!

[What are we going to do now?] Mini howled.

“Lemme think of something.” I sat there waiting for any kind of idea to come into my little mind, but nothing. Nada, zilch.

I can’t sit here forever. I’ll freeze to death!

I opened my door with force and got out of my car, looking around. There was nothing but trees covered in snow. Great snow everywhere. I looked up from where my car slide and thought of going back up. At least that way I could follow the road and someone might come to my rescue.

“Guess what Mini?” She wagged her tail and watched me with hopeful eyes. “We are going on an adventure!” I said with fake enthusiasm.

She dropped her ears and growled at me. [I should have stayed at home.]

“Well now, you’re here and if you want to live...” I pause and looked up, “... We have to be up there before sunset.”

I started hiking, it was really difficult for me to climb because of the stupid snow; it kept swallow my foot whenever I took a step, after a few steps I was out of breath.

[Hurry girl, or else I’ll leave you!] Mini barked.

“I need to go to the gym more often.” I panted.

She snorted at me and bounced forward.

“Bit*h,” I muttered, following her.

When I finally reached the top, I was heaving. Mini sat there with her tongue out, grinning at me.

At least one of us had fun.

I looked around to see any trace of cars but the road was empty; it was getting dark. I couldn’t stand here and wait for someone to come, because in reality, no prince was coming to my rescue.

I glanced at my poor car, which was covered in snow. I took a red handkerchief out of my pocket and wrapped it at the tree branch. That way it can be found easily.

“Let’s go mini, we have a long way to go.” I huffed.

She let out a happy howl. [I am having fun!]

Rolling my eyes, I marched towards my destination. Repeating Mini’s words in my head.

I should have stayed at home.


I lost track of time and did not know how long I’ve been walking; the sun had already sat down and the moon was the only source of light, the wind gust making me shiver.

I’m no Elsa. The cold does bother me.

My teeth began chattering. I covered my hands around my body and rubbed them to keep me warm, but it didn’t work.

Suddenly Mini barked. [Look, look a car!]

My prince-I mean rescuer!

I whirled on my heels and saw a car coming. Mini and I began bouncing in excitement.

[We’re not dying today!] She howled happily, making me laugh, but paused.

“Wait... What if he’s a serial killer? What if he’s a creepy old guy? What if he’s a horny teenager? It could be anyone!” I was having second thoughts.

Mini stopped jumping and did an impression of a corpse. Rolling my eyes at her, I crossed my fingers and prayed to God.

Please be a f**king friendly person, please don’t rape me, please be a blind guy... He wouldn’t be driving if he was blind, Pft!

When the car came near, I could make it out, it was a black car and I had no idea about the model but it looked pretty expensive to me.

A rich guy or girl, whoever you are, please help this poor girl. I don’t want to die.

The car came close and I was about the raise my hand to stop it when it drove past me.


I heard the screeching sound of the car breaks behind me. Thank goodness!

I happily strode towards the car, with Mini bouncing beside me. When I glanced at the car plate, I slowed down.

Wait... The numbers look familiar.

I halted dead in my tracks when I recognized it.

Shit! It can’t be him.

But no! It was him. How did I know that?

Once upon a time, I was a stalker, and I graved that number in my brain. I whirled around and runoff in the opposite direction.

Why does it have to him?! I whined.

[Where the hell are you going, twat?] Mini growled behind me.

I heard the car door open and slam closed. Please don’t follow me.

He wasn’t a mind reader and chased me yelling. “Hey wait!”

My heart flopped. His voice was so deep, last time I heard his voice it was of a teenager. I kept storming away from him but was stopped by mini tugging my pants.

“Let go of me, Mini, this isn’t funny,” I muttered.

[No!] She growled, pulling my jeans.

I took a deep breath and was about to scold but stopped by another voice from behind, “Hey I will not hurt you, I just want to help.”

I turned my head and saw him standing behind me; the moonlight lightened his face.

He is still so handsome!

He was wearing a black leather jacket with tight black pants, his shoulder broader than I remember it before. He looked so manly. Of course, he is after all twenty-seven now.


His eyes went round when he recognized me. “Tori?”

He remembers my name!

HA! Take that you bit*hes, who told me he doesn’t know I even existed.

“H-heyy... Da-da-dani-el.” I stuttered, my teeth still chattering.

My ultimate high school crush,

Brother of my former best friend,

My first ever love.

Daniel Moore.

“Wha-“ He paused whatever he was about to say when he saw my condition. “Shit! Come on, let’s get you in my car.”

He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me to his chest, rubbing my arm to give me warmth. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

Is this some kind of dream?

Did I die back in my car?


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