16. Crushed Dreams

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I woke up from my beautiful dream and looked around the cottage; it was still dark outside. I realized I was on top of naked Daniel, glancing up I was him still sleeping. I sat up half, balancing my head on my palm, and stared at him.

It wasn’t my first time, but with him; it was more special than that. I’ve always dreamed of us together, and now that I’m this close to him, it felt surreal.

Smiling, I trace his firm jaw with my finger. I thought it was just an obsession or a silly crush. But now I know, I’m in deep love with him.

“I love you, Daniel,” I whispered. It was on the tip of my tongue last night, but I controlled myself.

I was busy ogling him when his phone pinged, showing someone sent him a message. I frowned.

Who in the right mind would text him at this hour?

Out of curiosity, I crawled out of his arm, not waking him up, and went to pick his phone.

Sam: I am still waiting for you. When will you come? A text from Samantha. I frowned, glancing at Daniel.

Why in the world is she waiting for him, I got my answer right away in the other text.

Last night was amazing. I want a redo of it fast ;)


I heard my heart shuttering in my ears. I looked at Daniel still sleeping peacefully, which made my blood boiled.

Was he just playing around with me?!

I wanted to wake him up and demand answers, but I was too broken and tired to do that, so I quietly grabbed my clothes from the floor and left the cottage.

I was easy. Too f**king easy.

I wandered in freezing weather, my arms wrapped around me, rubbing to keep me warm.

It took only a few compliments from him for me to give in. My stomach clenched, making me feel sick.

I feel like a slut.

It was too good to be true. I should have thought about this before. The chilly wind blaze making me shiver. I couldn’t go home like this, looking miserable, and I didn’t know anyone else in this town except Alice.

Suddenly, a person came to my mind. I didn’t know if he still lived there, but it was worth a try. I took a deep breath and walked towards my destination.


I stood outside the house furiously ringing the bell.

Please open the door!

The door opened with an angry voice. “What the fu-“ He paused when he recognized me. “What are you doing here?!” He screamed.

“Can-can I co-come in?” I stuttered, my teeth chattering.

He stepped away from the door; I rushed inside towards the fire and warmed myself.

“What the hell are you doing at this hour here, freezing like hell, Tori?” Tom questioned, frowning.

“I needed shelter,” I said, warming myself.

“And you thought my house would be the best idea.” He tilted his head.

“For now. Yes.” I whispered.

“I’m calling Alice.” He moved, but I stopped him.

“No!” He glanced curiously at me. “Please don’t tell anyone that I’m here.”

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