4. Middle of nowhere

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“Why did the car stopped?” I hesitated.

“It went out of fuel.”

[Oh shit!] Mini howled.

“What are we going to do now?” I whispered. After sitting silently for who knows who long, even Mini has stopped barking, she realized it was of no use.

My luck couldn’t be better than this. First the deer and now fuel?

“Um… I uh.” He stuttered.

“You had freaking snacks and condoms in your car but-but no fuel!” I was furious, “What kind of guy leave for hours of drive without fuel?!” I fumed.

His eyes widened for a second, blinking at me “Says the girl who lost her car.” He scoffed.

Is he always going to use that card now?!

“I saved that deer’s life!” I squealed.

“How many times are you going to repeat?” He rolled his eyes at me.

“You think I am lying.” I gasped. “Ask Mini.” I jerked my head towards her.

With pricked ears, she watched between us for a moment, then yawned. [You’re on your own.]

I narrowed my eyes at her; I’ll deal with you later. I glanced at Daniel, who looked preoccupied in his thoughts.

A sigh of regret left my lips, leaning back in my seat.

It’s not his fault. I shouldn’t have taken my frustration out on him.

“There are some cabins up ahead if we could walk...” He suggested.

Walk in this freezing weather, yes, that’s what I’m supposed to do. I nodded my head.

I hate winters.

We got out of his car; I took Mini in my arms, hugging her tightly to keep us both warm. She narrowed eyes [I shouldn’t have come with you.]

“Like you had another choice.” I scoffed.

“Ready?” Daniel asked. I nodded and we started walking.

This day couldn’t get any worse.


We have been walking in silence for about 20 minutes. I glimpsed at him every second, but his face didn’t show any emotions.

“How much farther is it?” I questioned.

“I don’t know the exact location but maybe around 15 miles-“ my jaw dropped at that, “-we have to be there before the storm comes.” He added.


“What storm?” I stammered.

“You didn’t watch the news before driving in this season.” He lifted an eyebrow.

“What storm?” I repeat, ignoring his comment.

“The one that’s coming tonight.” He answered.


Did I mention how much I hate winters?

“When was the last time you visited here?” I asked because I didn’t want to walk in silence. It makes the journey more intolerable.

“After graduating I visited here every holiday.” He said in a monotone. Is he still angry at me? I didn’t want him angry at me.

“Cool.” I didn’t know what to talk about. I wondered for a while, but nothing.

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