14. Bonding

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I stood there tongue-tied, staring at him.

Am I dreaming? This must be a dream.

He chuckled. “This isn’t a dream.” My eyes widened.

I can’t believe I said that out loud!

I felt blood rushing to my cheeks; I ducked my head. “I… uh...” I didn’t know what to say anymore.

“Would you like to go on a date with me?” He asked.

I jerked my head up so fast that I think I got whiplash. “What?!” I shrieked.

“I asked...” He leaned his head close to me, our nose almost touching, “... Would you like to go on a date with me?” He repeated.

Did he... did he just... OMG!

[SAY YES ALREADY TWAT!] Mini barked at my feet.

“Yes,” I whispered so low that I thought he didn’t hear, but when his lips stretched into a huge grin, I think he did.

“Good.” He said and interlocking our fingers, walking towards his car again.

Shit, what just happened?!

We drove in silence. Daniel held my hand all the way back, making me giddy.

If this is a dream, I don’t want to walk up, ever!

We reached my house; he asked me to wait in the car and went towards my side, opening the door. Is he trying to kill me with kindness? I took his hand and walk towards the front door.

“I’ll pick you up at six tomorrow.” He said when we stepped onto the porch.

“O-okay,” I whispered, still dazed.

He smiled and leaned down; it caught me off guard, making my eyes go wide when he kissed my cheek. “I can’t wait for tomorrow.” He whispered and winked at me.

I still stood there with my hand covering the cheek where he kissed, watching his car leave.

“He kissed me,” I whispered in disbelief.

[It wasn’t even on the lips.] Mini rolled her eyes.

“A kiss is a kiss,” I exclaimed and went inside feeling giddy.

I had a huge, stupid grin on my face when I entered the house. Everyone was sitting in the living room watching me.

“Someone had a splendid night,” Owen comment, making everyone laughed.

“Shut up,” I mumbled, running up to my room.

I don’t think I’ll be getting any sleep tonight.


And I was right. The whole night I stayed wide awake and didn’t get a wink of sleep. As soon as the sunrise, I got up from my bed and searched my bags for clothes to wear tonight.

Date. I couldn’t get the giddy feeling out of me.

As for the bags, I was searching, my brother got some guys to look for my car and last night they finally found it but said it needed to be repaired. My poor car must have frozen in that cold. I got my bags, and they took my car, saying they will bring it back in two days.

I screamed in frustration, making Mini jumped. “Why don’t I have anything good to wear?!”

[Geez girl chill.] She growled.

“I can’t. Don’t you get it?!” Throwing my hand up in frustration. “I’m going on my dream date after 12 years and I have nothing decent to wear!” I plopped on my bed, burying my face in the pillow, and screamed.

[You are going on shopping with Olivia today go buy something.] Mini barked, licking her paws.

I jumped up grabbing her kissing all over her, “I love you, I love you, I love you so much you know that.” I hugged her tightly.

[Save some love for your boy too.] She grunted, getting away from me.

I went to Olivia and asked her to help me buy a dress for my date, for which she agreed happily. I invited Alice too, so she wouldn’t complain about not spending time with her.

After shopping for hours, and finally found something good for us. We were sitting in Alice’s car going back.

“So, my brother finally had the guts to ask you out,” Alice asked, making me chock.

“What do you mean?” I coughed.

She rolled her eyes, grinning. “He’s been after you for years.” I raised my eyebrows for her to continue because I was hella confused.

She sighed. “Since he came back home after graduating, he’s been asking about you every year. Where you were? What were you doing or when are you going to visit?” Alice continued.

I cocked my head in confusion. “Weren’t you the one who told him about me?” That’s what he told me.

She burst to laugh. “Is that what he told you?” I slowly nodded my head.

“Well, he is lying obliviously,” Olivia said, making me turn to her. “Last night after your confession, Caleb had the ‘talk’ with him.” She added.

“He did what?!” I screamed.

Ugh! Why is he like that?!

She nodded, grinning. “And Daniel assured him he won’t hurt you and he likes you too...” I stared at her with wide eyes. “For a very long time.” She added.

I can’t believe this!

“He wouldn’t stop talking about you at dinner since you came either,” Alice said, making me look at her. “Tori this, Tori that, Tori’s funny, Tori’s amazing, Tori’s beautiful...” she paused, glancing at me. “Want me to continue?” grinning.

I shook my head. “I think that’s enough for today.”

They both laughed and gushed how cute we look together and other things, but I zoned out.

Did Daniel like me before? Why didn’t he tell me that?

Maybe he was also keeping it to himself, like me.

As soon as we reached home, I started getting ready for my date. Alice and Olivia both help with it; doing my makeup, hairs, helping me with my dress.

When I was fully ready, I walked in front of the mirror and observed myself. I was wearing a red off-shoulder dress that reached my mid-thighs. My hair opened, reaching my waist, and curled at the end. I had light party makeup on my face.

Wow, is this me?

[Yes bit*h, you look good.] Mini barked wiggling her tail with her tongue out. I beamed.

I hope Daniel likes it too.


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