1. From the beginning

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I hate snow,
I hate Christmas,
I hate winters.

I Victoria Bell Jones loathe this season.

You must wonder why? There are numerous reasons:

1) It is a challenge to shower in this freezing weather and when you run out of hot water, BOOM! You’re in hell, except that it’s frozen.

If it was in my hands, I’d never shower in winter but I don’t want to kill my colleagues with stink.

2) In winter you can’t eat anything without heating it and for a lazy a** person like me, it’s tiring to heat everything before you eat.

3) You have to wake up early in freezing weather to go to work. If you want to stay in your warm blanket all day, say hello to the streets baby!

4) It feels like time pauses in winter, there is no energy out there. Everyone becomes slow and lazy and I’m an indolent person.

5) Everything gets covered in snow, because of that, it’s so hard to even get out of the house and see outside. White is my least favorite color.

Oh! And don’t get me started on pee!

6) If you own a dog you’d know what I must be feeling. It’s so hard to bathe them and to walk them every night in cold it’s ugh! And my poor Mini, I can’t imprison her like Rapunzel.

7) The roads become slippery because of the stupid weather, so you have to drive cautiously and if not; you are giving an invitation to the Angels of death.

8) Then comes Christmas. I was known as Mrs. Grinch in high school because of a lack of holiday spirit.

I used to love this season when I was a kid, but because of some incidents that occurred, I started hating it.

Last, I DESPISE WINTERS because right now, I’m stuck in my stupid car, which is buried deep in snow in the middle of nowhere.

How did I get here? Let me start from the beginning.


I was peacefully lying on my bed, covered with my warmest blanket, drinking hot chocolate and watching my favorite rom-com ‘When in Rome’ in my cozy little apartment with Mini by my side.

Josh Duhamel is Love!

I don’t even have words to describe him. I’m sure everyone’s already aware of his hotness.

My phone cut my dreams of marrying Josh Duhamel off blaring.

Arg! Who dare to ruin my wedding!

I searched for my phone from where it was ringing and saw it at the side table.

Shit! I have to leave my comfort zone to pick it.

I reached out to Mini, who was busy licking Josh Duhamel’s face. We have the same taste in men.

Scratching her ears, I cheered playfully. “Fetch my phone, you precious little Mini.”

“Bow.” [No.]

“Someone has to pick it, so go now and be a good girl.” I continued rubbing her.

[It’s your phone, you pick it.] She grunted.

Rolling my eyes, I peered at the phone, which was still ringing. My colleagues have been inviting me to the Pre-Christmas party our office is organizing, maybe it’s them. I ignored it.

Me going to a Christmas party? As if.

My phone kept ringing for a while, then stopped and I smiled.

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