Chapter 58 : Still Not Enough...

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Izuku Yagi's P.O.V

    The panicking bunch had been pacing back and forth as we were left in the silence of our solitude, with the odd sound of the wind rustling every so often. As the silence was broken by the calm voice of Mr. Compress—speaking aloud the predicament we had been put in—I began to think.

    Of course, I had a base plan, and a loose set of steps to achieve my desired outcome, but I wasn't sure whether or not we could truly pull it off.

If we had received this phone call an hour later, my plan would have been much more realistic.

    No matter, this is the predicament we have been faced with, and there's nothing we can do to change the circumstances we had been left in. What we had to do, was pick up the scrapes we had been left, and use what little time we had to stall.

    I stood up, leaving my mind-scape, to see Twice yelling at the other League members currently present. He was crying out that we needed to help our broker, his friend, Giran. He explained how much Giran had helped him, so he needed to repay his kindness. He needed to save his friend. Even if he were already dead, and we would only be walking into a trap, he wanted to save his friend.

The world needed more people like Bubaigawara.

    More people who would try to save the people they cared for, even if it would mean putting their own necks on the line.

More people as good-hearted, and kind as Bubaigawara.

    While Toga, and Twice bickered about whether everything the Liberation Army had told us was true or false, and what they thought was best for the League, I placed my hands on the two. I could feel Twice tense as my palm came into contact with his shoulder before he heard what I had to say.

"I have a plan." I spoke calmly, squeezing Twice's shoulder—as a form of reassurance. "Doctor? Did you catch all that?"

"Listening to the Villain Radio is my new favourite hobby, so yes." The Doctor began. "So the Meta Liberation Army is back from the dead! What a surprise! The waves you all are making in the underworld keep dredging these people up!!"

"How about we deploy a High-End Nomu like the one Dabi used." Mr. Compress suggested.

"That would be an amazing idea! How about I send one over now, yeah?" The Doctor replied. "All For One's power makes the manufacturing of the High-Ends so much more efficient than I could have ever imagined!! So, I'd be more than happy to send one your way!-"

"No." I cut in. "As much as I would appreciate your help, I have my own plan. I don't want to rely on others more than I already have, and I have a plan fit to take down both Machia and the Liberation Army at the same time." I explained.

"Really? How? I don't doubt your abilities in the slightest, but both our problems? In one sitting? It seems too good to be true..." Spinner questioned.

"Doctor, are you aware of Dabi's current location?" I asked, ignoring Spinner's question for a moment.

"Currently, Dabi is on the border between Mie and Shiga Prefectures" The Doctor answered.

"Perfect." I grinned. "Now, we have approximately two hours and thirty-five minutes until Machia wakes up..."

"You're mumbling again..." Toga spoke up, but I hadn't had the energy to give two fucks.

"Ok, Doctor... Warp us over then." I spoke.


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