Chapter 19 : Mark My Words...

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Izuku Yagi's P.O.V

The hero standing before me was none other than the man my Master had been looking for. It's been a long two weeks since Stain had been plotting to cure society of this false hero. The man in front of me widened his eyes in shock as he took note of the man behind me. He readied a fighting stance before looking me up and down.

"A child..." His words flowed from his mouth, barely audible, as he stood there in shock. "Kid! Get away from that monster! Don't you know who that is?!?"

I winced at his words. Monster you say? His tone was that of a lecturing manor. As if he were angry at me for being close to the liberator that stood behind me. I reopened my eyes and looked at the man in his silver hero costume with annoyance.

Did this pretender not hear a word I just said?

I was in a foul mood to begin with, but this made me annoyed on it's own. First he ignores me, then he disrespects my Master. I stood from my spot on the comfortable ground and turned my head to face Stain.

I looked at him expectantly and he nodded. Turning my face back towards the puzzled hero, I did as he said. I got behind him. Standing behind him, he glared at my Master and began to speak.

"I don't know what you wanted to do to this child, but I'm going to put a stop to it right now!" His voice was drenched in determination and self-righteousness as he screamed those pathetic words at my Master.

He started to activate his engines, about to run at the man in front of him. My Master stood without flinching as he waited for what was about to occur. The hero began to run at full speed, when all of a sudden, his eyes widened once more.

A steady flow of crimson flooded from his mouth as his body froze. His engines immediately reseeded their sparks and his legs stopped moving. Dropping to the floor, he soaked in his last breath of oxygen, uttering a simple word.


Chizome Akaguro's P.O.V

The child sitting in front of me, rose to his feet as he glanced back at me. My eyes bored into his, and I immediately noticed the glimmer. The psychotic, crazed glimmer he got when he had an idea. I understood rapidly, as I recalled the instructions given to him by the false hero standing before us.

I internally smirked before nodding my head at him discreetly. Watching him obey the orders of the man covered in metal, I wondered what exactly my student was scheming.

"I don't know what you wanted to do to this child, but I'm going put a stop to it right now!"

I cringed at his revolting words. I knew what happened to my pupil before I had made his acquaintance. I knew of the horrendous acts of violence and negligence the heroes had so kindly bestowed upon his already unfortunate living situation. Now that there is a villain involved, the heroes could use this child as a facet of making more money. The money they would have received for capturing the Hero Killer would be quite high, I'd imagine, but the money for saving a defenseless child from the Hero Killer? Now that's a whole new story.

The hero standing before me, quickly activated his quirk as he ran towards me, while I stood by idly. I held absolute faith in my pupil's abilities. As if on que, one of my student's throwing knives became visible as it penetrated the skin of the hero's neck.

I watched as the man, barreling towards me, suddenly drained of all life. Blood spewed from the wound as the hero fell, causing some of his stray blood to spray at me. The hero muttered a simple word as he took his leave from this world.

That Day // Villain DekuDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora