Chapter 43 : They'll Be Fine.

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Izuku Yagi's P.O.V

    Catching up with the van, it looked ordinary. No members were positioned on the van to spot possible threats to the cargo, which I thought was completely irrational and hilariously stupid. I used Ghost to phase through the back of the van—where the test-subject should have been—and was, yet again, surprised to see no members of the League guarding the cargo.

They're complete idiots.

However, they're my idiots...

    With the thought of their stupidity still in my brain, I had an idea.

Why not teach them all a lesson?

    The best way to understand your faults is to learn from them. They'd definitely have to fix this issue next time, if something big enough were to happen. I made up my mind of what I would do after releasing the test subject, and decided to let my curiosity get the better of me and look around.

    The van was lit solely by a faint purple light on the ceiling—which illuminated the containment capsule. There he was. The test subject that I was placing my future with All For One in. My fingers traced the cold monitors along the sides of the van's interior as I walked forward. It wasn't a large van, but I was walking slowly enough—taking note of every detail of the van—that it felt like I was walking down the isle in my wedding.

    Towering over the man in the capsule, I smiled to myself. This would be the person, strong enough, to kill Tomura for me. I just need to convince him that Tomura would be an inconvenience for him in achieving his goals.

I need to know what his goals are.

    Surely one wouldn't just subject themselves to experimental tests as dangerous as implanting themselves with an artificial quirk just for the hell of it, right? That would be reckless and dangerous, so this man must have an ulterior motive that goes deeper than what meets the eye.

    I decided to stop wasting time, just incase my comrades aren't as ignorant as I perceived from this display, and smashed the case in. Glass flew every which way, but failed in cutting me—due to my quirk Ghost and it's ability to make my body completely permeable.

    The sound of the glass shattering before me was intense, which sent me into a panic-stricken mode. My mind was firing question after question.

What if the others heard that?

What if they come back here and realize it's me?

What if they see me?

What if I'm not actually using Ghost right now?

What if I'm completely visible, and-

    My train of thought was interrupted by the sensation of a living, breathing, being passing through me. I looked up and realized the man was now awake. I unlocked the doors and he looked around for someone. It was strange, I suppose. Waking up in such a strange environment. Not only that, but somehow the doors just magically shot open. Of course, I'm not magic, but he doesn't know I'm here.

    He took the opportunity I presented him with, and hopped out of the van, remaining silent. I then closed and locked the van's back door and phased through it once more.

    Being on the outside, I took note of the van's location and pulled out my cell phone—making sure to continue tailing the man in secret.

    I flipped through article after article, website after website, until I found the number I had been looking for.

That Day // Villain DekuWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt