Chapter 49 : Izuku...?

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Katsuki Bakugou's P.O.V

    Izuku stood, looming over Izumi — who had been laying on the ground just a few meters away from me. I watched as Izumi glared daggers into Izuku, and how he returned the favor. I heard Izuku as he laughed darkly, whilst eying Izumi with a deranged grin. I listened to the soft breaths that escaped his lips and felt the pounding of my heartbeat as the guilt rose in my throat like a lump — restricting me from breathing.

    I had seen Izuku at the Kamino Ward, but he looked much different now. The way his eyes — clouded with hatred and despair — glowed a toxic color of green. The way his hair — fluffy on the top and trimmed in the back — was gently lifted in the wind. The way his lips curled upwards in a menacing grin — as his insane expression only grew.

    He looked so much different than he did back when we were kids. From the way his hair looked — compared to even just two years ago — to the expression behind his smile, but through all of the anger and hatred, I could see pain and sadness.

It was faint, but it was there.

    I knew it was my fault. I was the one who had told him to jump, and I knew he did it because of me. I knew I was to blame for the creation of the person he was today. I knew I was responsible for the birth of this monster, and I knew that I could never fix what he's become. Despite how much I wanted to, I would never be able to fix what I've done. It was too late now, and we're far past apologies.

    I wanted to get up from my place on the ground. I wanted to walk over to him. I wanted to open my arms and give him a hug. I wanted to tell him how sorry I was. I wanted to tell him how much I missed him. I wanted to go back in time and fix everything. I should have protected him, rather than hurt him, I could see that now.

    I would have given up my quirk if it meant that he would get to live even just a day of the life he should have lived. I would have given up my life if it would let him have a second chance. A second chance at life. One where he wasn't hurt constantly. One where he was accepted. One where he was loved. One where he was happy.

    I couldn't move. I couldn't get up and give him a hug. I was too scared to do anything. Scared of what he would say. Scared of how he would react. Scared of the expression that he would wear. One full of loathing hatred. One full of disgust. One full of sadness. I've stared into his emerald-green eyes — drenched in fear and despair — too many times now. I didn't want to be the one to make him wear such an expression ever again.

    I kept my position on the ground and watched attentively as Izumi pushed herself off the ground. She jumped up with lightning speed and decked Izuku in his lower jaw with full power, breaking her unbroken arm in the process. She jumped backwards — smirking — after her fist collided with Izuku's face, but to her surprise, he was completely fine.

"You done?" He asked with a bored expression, as he intensified his glare.

    Izumi looked ready to murder him as she yelled out in anger that she was only getting started. As the two siblings fought and screamed words of abuse at one another, I couldn't help but remember how close we all used to be. Before everything went south. Before any of us got our quirks. Before everything got complicated.

Before I made everything complicated.

    I couldn't help but let my mind drift off to the days we spent, under the sun, without a care in the world. The hours we wasted, with our backs against the grass as we cloud-gazed. The countless nights, where we stayed up late and told scary stories to each other.

    All the time we spent, together, thinking we'd be best friends for the rest of our lives. The days before we forced all that toxicity onto Izuku. It was so simple back then. The only fights we'd ever had, were about who would become the number one hero.

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