Chapter 44 : You Bored?

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Izuku Yagi's P.O.V

The sound of a crash engulfed my ears as I entered the base. I looked around and tried to pinpoint the location of the constant crashing and breaking sounds that erupted from above. Checking room after room, hall after hall, and floor after floor, I finally came to a halt at the source of the noise. All of the noise, all of the banging, all of the crashing, it all came from behind this door.

My door.

I gulped as I remembered what awaited me from behind the door. I still believed that I could use this chick for information gathering. She would be easier to manipulate than the other two members of the 'Big Three', at least.

The blonde boy is too frisky and energetic. He has a heart of gold and willpower that outmatched even my own. He'd be nothing but a headache. Even if I could somehow twist his little brain to yield to my cause, he'd still be a headache. Although, if I could somehow merge his Permeation quirk with my Ghost quirk, I'd be completely untouchable.

Where his quirk limits him, mine excels, and where my quirk is flawed, his is not. The drawbacks of my quirk Ghost are excruciating headaches. With excessive use, I get extreme headaches—ranging from mild tension headaches to intense migraines. Whereas, the blonde boy's Permeation quirk doesn't include that drawback; however, his drawback is that his clothes cannot stay on. His body completely phases through his clothing, which leaves him naked—unless he's wearing his hero costume, which is lined with special fibers produced from his hair.

My clothes, on the other hand, don't fall off. My quirk allows me to hold onto items or keep my pants up as long as I will it to happen. At first, I couldn't control what I held. I'd have a cup in-hand one moment, and a pile of broken glass the next. I had to be constantly thinking the same line over and over again whilst holding onto anything.

Don't drop it.

Don't drop it.

Don't drop it.

Now that I have complete control over that issue though, with the blonde boy's power, I'd be untouchable. I wouldn't get my usual headache after forty minutes of constant use, and I'd be able to leave the quirk activated indefinitely—making me completely invincible.

    That doesn't matter, though. Unless there were a quirk that would merge two quirks together, it's futile to think about at the moment.

The other boy in the 'Big Three' is the complete opposite of the blonde boy. From what I've heard from Kaminari and Todoroki, he's incredibly shy and awkward in social situations, and doesn't seem to have the most confidence in himself.

While that seems like an easy win and all, from what I had observed during the hero raid, he has a hero's heart. He seemed very strong-willed during the hero raid and I don't think converting him into a villain would work out all that great.

This girl's the only option.

At least, out of the 'Big Three'.

I phased through the door, using Ghost, and a cup full of pencils immediately impacted with the door—now behind me. It was lucky that I had been using Ghost, otherwise it would have collided with my stomach.

"Hey!" I shouted, startling the girl, laying on my bed with a pile of random items—most likely for throwing at the door. "What the hell are you doing?"

I glanced behind myself and noticed books, furniture and practically everything under the sun, in a messy pile around the door—likely from being thrown. Turning my head, I glared at the girl on my bed, who was now glaring back at me.

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