Chapter 16 : To Be Continued...

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Toshinori Yagi's P.O.V

"You're too late, All Might..."

His voice was cold, and his words were spoken sharp enough to cut ice. Gazing at my expression, he started laughing psychotically. With his mask constricting my view of most of his face, I could only see his eyes. His eyes were squinted, obviously as a result of amusement. This psychotic man just witnessed the death of a child, and now is laughing with joy. My smile rested, unwavering upon my face, as a way of calming the traumatized child who had laid witness to this act of pure insanity and maliciousness.

The emerald-eyed man suddenly stopped smiling, eyes cold and void of any emotion but resentment. Those eyes... He stood there, as we stared at each other. His expression grew angrier and more displeased by the second.

"YOU SOCIOPATHIC HYPOCRITE!" The man, loosing his past humor, yelled at me with anger.

His expression and bipolarity was disturbing to be put frankly. I glanced at the student, still in a state of shock, and grimaced. Thoughts ran through my mind, but there was one constant motion that frequently passed though.

There are still eighteen innocent children who's lives were in danger.

Abandoning my previous reservations and shock, I ran towards the psychotic man staring at me. He seemed to have an amused expression from seeing my smile falter and fade, I'd guess. I was ten feet from the man, when out of no where, the giant bird who was beating Aizawa, stood in front of me. Ultimately, blocking my path.

I lifted my arm and prepared to punch this creature with one hundred percent of One For All. As my fist came into contact with the bird-like monster, my power seemed to have been lost. A raspy voice from my right began to speak.

"That's Nomu. He's been genetically modified to withstand your power and eradicate you from existence." The light-blue-haired man started, as the 'Nomu' grabbed my arm.

"His power, is shock absorption."

Izuku Yagi's P.O.V

I smiled smugly as I watched the 'hero' standing before me looking shocked. Nomu grabbed his arm before punching my dear old dad just below his left rib.

During my first meeting with the Nomu standing before me, All For One reviewed my plan to eliminate All Might. He looked over my idea and revised it based on his knowledge of my father. He had told me that five years prior to my escape, he had been in a battle with my 'dad'.

The battle resulted in bloodshed, and an intense injury being dealt to both parties. The injury was terrible, he had lost his whole stomach along with other consequences; however, the injury All For One had sustained was far worse.

As I watched All Might's shirt start to stain with the crimson liquid I was all too familiar with, I had felt a sense of justice. This was just the beginning of my revenge. I started laughing to myself as I imagined how satisfying it would be to slowly break every bone in their miserable beings. I just want to tear off this mask and hood, revealing that the child whom they all shunned, was in fact alive. To reveal that the kid everyone thought of as less than human, was the one whom would correct them all.


I stopped myself as I thought of revealing myself now. As fun as it would be to see their faces contort in shock and fear, I don't want to do anything of the sort, yet. As they say...

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Toshinori Yagi's P.O.V

I felt my shirt begin to sag as it's previously white material became soaked with my crimson blood. This mutant monster knew exactly where to punch me. I unhooked his arm from mine and punched him again. Repetitively punching him in the face, gut, and everywhere around his body. Punching him again, I knocked him forwards, putting me behind him. Remembering the raspy-voiced villain's words, I grabbed the monster's waist.

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