Chapter 45 : This Is Perfect...

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Izuku Yagi's P.O.V

"Excuse me?" The girl asked me with hostility.

"You bored? Like do you wanna go do something?" I repeated myself. "This tension is making it hard for me to work..."

"Tension? You kidnapped me and think the tension is what's wrong with that?" She questioned me, practically screaming as she looked at me as if I were crazy. "No! I don't want do anything with you!"

"That's unfortunate..." I sighed. "It's either we do something to destroy this intense aura, or I let Toga look after you for me. I doubt you'd want that though, she likes to stab cute girls and guys..."

    A slight blush washed over her cheeks as she processed that I had indirectly called her cute.

How naïve.

I just kidnapped you, and your blushing?

"Oh well, I guess a psychopath with a knife never really hurt anyone. Come on, let's go see Toga." I spoke as I began to sit up.

"No!" She screamed out, grabbing my arm.

    I glared daggers into her, as she released my arm from her grip, and averted eye contact.

"What... What would we do?" She hesitantly asked.

"You'll see." I spoke, grabbing her arm, and proceeding to drag her out of the room. "Oh, and if you try to escape, I won't hesitate to murder you where you stand."

    Dragging her outside of the empty base, we were surrounded by the cold, refreshing air of the night. I loved going on 2am runs for this reason. It was refreshing and relaxing. Scooping up the periwinkle-haired girl, I activated Ghost and began to fly to where I had wanted to take her.

    I needed her to trust me, or at the very least want to understand me. Right now, she's being stubborn because she doesn't even want to look at things from my perspective. She just knows that I'm the monster that murdered plenty—along with one of her friends. The way—I think—I'll get to her, is to show her the corruption of the heroes myself, as well as what I hope to accomplish. Words are meaningless—actions are really what count.

    When we arrived at our destination, I put the girl down and told her to stay quiet. She looked at me with confusion but did as I told her. We crouched down and sat on a rooftop for a good ten minutes before I saw what I had been hoping to see tonight.

    This rooftop overlooked a secluded alleyway. This alleyway was close to a certain hero's agency. The hero agency belonged to a corrupt hero that served under the name 'Red Gauntlet'. Red Gauntlet was known for being greedy and only caring about popularity, rather than saving people. As well as that, there were rumors going around that he had been a little 'too friendly' with his female fans.

It's despicable how he acts with his supporters, honestly.

    I had been meaning to kill him ages ago, but this issue with Tomura had arisen and I had gotten distracted. It's my own fault for getting sucked in. 

    He had walked into the alleyway with a woman at his side, whom had been sounding confused.

"I thought you said you would show me to the train station?" She asked, obviously sounding nervous.

    It was clear to see that she didn't know where they were, or why he had taken her to an alleyway rather than a train station. I would have gone down there by this point to stop what was about to happen; however, it would serve my cause to allow the periwinkle-haired girl to witness what those despicable excuses for human beings did in their free-time.

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