Chapter 45 Welcome Home

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3 Months Later
Scarlett's POV

They told me I'm getting out today. I feel really nervous to be on the outside again. I made a lot of new friends here and I remember what I said to Avery before I left. I hope she doesn't hate me. We've seen each other a bunch these past few months but it's always been around a bunch of people and we didn't talk much outside of the how are you and how's everything been.

I packed up my things and said bye to everyone and walked out with my family. I felt the warm spring air on my face but kept my head down.

A little recap of the last few months. I hated this place at first but then grew to like it. I even tried to escape a few times but they had the place suuuper secured. It's been a long three months and I'm definitely ready to be out of this place but at the same time I'm scared to come home.
At Home

When I walked into the apartment it was really quiet. Avery, Jamie, and Amy were all looking at me trying to see how I would react. I took a deep breath in an looked at them.
"I'm exhausted, I'm gonna go sleep. Here's my bags" I said dropping my stuff at the door I started walking to me and Amy's room when I turned around and said "Its good to be home, sorry for all this" and then I continued and went to bed. I can only imagine their reactions, probably relief, I'd hope so. After all I've put them through I feel really bad for causing such immense stress.
At Dinner

"Amy, Scar, dinner's ready. It's ok if you don't want to eat much today Scar, just a little is fine"

I got up and we headed to the kitchen. We're having stir fry. I thought about all the stuff they taught me in the hospital and decided to get 2 spoonfuls instead of 1. I wanna push myself to do better but I know if I push too hard I'll get bad again. It's like the saying goes, climb to fast and you'll end up gasping for air.

I sit down and the table is really quiet. I decide to look up which I don't normally do simply because it makes people look at you. Out of the corner of my my eyes I noticed Amy is wearing long sleeves. It's pretty warm in the house and she usually sleeps in short sleeves and shorts. I got this bad feeling in the bottom of my stomach but decided to ignore it.

I look up to see them all in their own little worlds not paying any attention to one another. They kind of looked like zombies, is this what they've been like for the last 3 months?  I should say something, isn't the whole point of eating together to socialize?
"Has it been like this for the entire time I was gone?"

They suddenly snapped out of it and looked up at me.
"What are you talking about?" Avery said

"This quiet and dead" Bad word choice for someone who just got out the mental hospital.
"We're sorry, we haven't really talked much these past few months" Amy said

"Yeah it's been really quiet with you gone" Jamie said

"Well I'm back now so start pepping up. If you wanna know what I'm seeing right now, Amy you look totally depressed like you just went through the war I don't blame you by the way you kind of did, Jamie you look a little rough. Have you been drinking? Ah never mind and Avery- I paused on Avery "You look empty". She's like gray pretending to be yellow. She just seems hollow like an endless void is just beneath the surface. What did I do?
Ah I need to focus, continue the conversation so it doesn't get weird.
"Well anyways I feel like you all need a big warm hug"
They all looked at me funny.
"Oh not from me, It's not my thing" Unless it's Matt or your having a mental breakdown.

"Ok, we'll try to get back to our old selves" Amy said

They started talking to me, then each other. It wasn't anything crazy just your regular how was your day and how are you. We finished dinner and I looked at my plate, I had eaten a little more than half the stir fry on my plate. I was too distracted thinking that I didn't realize how much I'd eaten. I feel the urge to puke and at the same time proud of myself for eating so much even though compared to everyone else's plates it was nothing. I'm taking this small victory. Now I wanna talk to Avery, she's the most off.
"Hey Avery, can we talk?"

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