Chapter 6 I Hate My Life

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Well...dads funeral is coming up soon so that sucks. I'm not feeling very well, probably because I just failed a suicide attempt. My big sister Avery wants to have someone monitor me. I'm pretty sure she's afraid I'll do it again and rightfully so.

I don't have to go to school today or the rest of this week really so that's nice. But Amy's taking off school to watch me since Adam and Stan have work.

"So how are you feeling?"

"Fine. I'm really not in the mood to talk"

"Well we're going to anyway"

"Good luck with that"
I rolled over in bed and faced the wall
"Please, just talk to me"

"There's nothing to talk about"

"Really, there's nothing to talk about"

"Yeah really. Now can you get out"

"Sorry but I'm supposed to be watching you"

"So what your just going to sit and stare at me all day"

"Only until we talk"

I roll my eyes and go back asleep. When I wake up Amy's there just as she said but fast asleep. I must be a pretty boring sight to see if she fell asleep that quick.


I heard a car outside today.

"Oh great it's Mary the meddling social worker" I whisper to myself.

I really don't feel like talking to her. She's like the school counselor, all she does is corners me with her stupid questions. I can feel a rush of hot air come over me when I hear her knock on the door. Amy goes to answer it and of course she just invites herself in.

"Hi Amy I'm sure you remember me I'm Mary"

"I know, now why are you here"

"I'm here to talk to your sister Scarlett"

"Well she's not up to talk. So you can leave"

"Sorry but I can't leave until I talk to Scarlett"

"Well I'm telling you to go"

"Your foster dads want me to talk to Scarlett and I won't leave until I do"

"Well you can do that outside"

"No, I'll be staying in here"

"Well fine sit there"

"I'll be up in a minute to talk to Scarlett"

I hear Amy walk up the stairs. She comes in and tells me about how the Social worker is here and blah blah blah. I'm not really listening to her, too tired to. Then I hear more people come in and realize it's our foster dads. They greet the Social worker and she heads upstairs.

"Ok Scarlett listen"


"Please just try to listen to her so she can just leave. And actually talk and don't yell"

"Any other rules mom"

"Not funny"



"Ok hi Scarlett"


"So how have you been feeling recently"

"Like shit" Amy nudges me and I roll my eyes

"Bad it's been bad"

"Ok well can you tell me why you tried to kill yourself?"

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